Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Meeting of Regional Secretaries General of SECAM

Meeting of Regional Secretaries General of SECAM

Picture: The Apostolic Nuncio to Madagascar, Archbishop E. Nugent in Cassock with the Secretaries General

 Selfishness and Greed are the bane of African’s Development

Selfishness, greed, egoism, jealousy, love of power and money have been stressed as some of the challenges militating against the development of Africa. All these are seen as underlining factors that contribute to corruption, bad governance, undemocratic practices and bad management of the material and human resources on the continent.

Bishop Benjamin  Marc  Ramaroson, a member of the Standing Committee of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) made these remarks in a homily at an Eucharistic celebration to conclude a week-long meeting of Regional Secretaries General of SECAM on Sunday, March 18, 2012 in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Africans, he stressed, therefore have to be serious and eschew all theses vices for any meaningful socio-economic  and political development for all categories of people.

Referring to the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI:  Africae Munu, which is based onthe Second Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa on the theme Reconciliation, Justice and Peace.  Bishop Ramaroson who is the Bishop of Farafangana in Madagascar hoped that practical action plans would be put in place at  all levels of the Church and society in general for its effective dissemination and implementation.

He called for sincere conversion and change of heart by all Africans for the continent to experience true reconciliation, justice and peace.

The meeting, organised by SECAM, among others, shared ideas and elaborated on the Continental Plan of Action prepared by the Good Governance Office of SECAM on effective ways for the dissemination and implementation of Africae Munus. Each region would therefore plan or adapt its action plans based on this working document from SECAM.

In Opening the meeting, Rev. Fr. Francois-Xavier Damiba on behalf of the President of SECAM, His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, welcomed the participants and expressed the sympathy and condolences to the Church and people of Madagascar who are facing enormous challenges following the Cyclone Giovanna, which last month claimed some lives and caused serious damage in several parts of that country.

He informed the meeting about the Standing Committee meeting of SECAM in Rome, Italy last month. He elaborated on preparations towards the 16th Plenary Assembly of SECAM that will take place in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) next year on the theme: The Church as a Family of God in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace.  
The following formed part of the reports from some of the departments of SECAM:
a) Evangelisation:  Two Seminars/Workshops on i) Small Christian Communities  and  ii) Culture and Development to be held this year.

b) Justice and Peace/ Good Governance: Report on the Post-Synodal Consultation on Africae Munus  that took place in Benin, last year; a  draft summary of Africae Munus; and Strategic Plan of Action on Africae Munus.

c)Communications: gave an update on the establishment of Catholic News Agency for Africa-CANAA; Gathering of information for the 2013 Catholic Directory for Africa; Revival of the Pan-African Episcopal Committee for Social Communications- CEPACS and a documentary on the Church in Africa.

Each of the regions of SECAM shared their experiences and the work that they are doing with particular reference to Africae Munus. They committed themselves to the wish of SECAM for closer collaboration and the strengthening of relations between SECAM Secretariat and the Regional Episcopal Conferences. They recommended the conducting of  research at the  continental level by using, for example, Catholic professionals in various disciplines;  the strengthening of networking at all levels in the Church: a review of the methods of evangelisation, catechesis and formation of agents of evangelisation with particular reference to the call by Pope Benedict XVI for a  New Evangelisation.

The participants during the meeting visited the cathedral where they were  welcomed by His  Excellency Odon Marie Arsène Razanakolona, Archbishop of Madagascar : They expressed their  thanks and appreciation, for the warm reception accorded them by the Church in that country and in particular to Bishop Philippe Ranaivomanana, Bishop of Antsirabe and Secretary General of  the Episcopal Conference of  Madagascar (CEM) and the Salesians for all that they did for the meeting to take place in his country, notwithstanding the problems they face as result of the  cyclone Giovanna. A courtesy call was paid on the Apostolic Nuncio to Madagascar, His Excellency Archbishop Eugene Martin Nugent who encouraged them to continue the good work that they are doing for the accomplishment of the Church in Africa. They also visited the Secretariat of the Bishops’ Conference of Madagascar that had its roof ripped off by the said cyclone.

The meeting was officially opened on March 15, 2012 with a concelebrated Mass, that was presided over by Rev. Fr. Richard Menatsi, Director of IMBISA. In a sermon he emphasised the important role of SECAM adding that if SECAM had not been established there would have been many more good reason for its creation.

Those who took part at the meeting included six of the eight Regional Secretaries General of SECM; the Secretary General of SECAM and his two deputies, and  three other  staff members of SECAM. The six regions at the meeting included:

    1. Association of Episcopal Conferences of the Region of Central Africa (Association des Conférences  Episcopales de la Région de l’Afrique Central, ACERAC):
    2. Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA):
    3. CEDOI -Madagascar: Conférence Episcopale de Madagascar et L’ isles
    4. Regional Episcopal Conference of North Africa -Conference Episcopale Regionale du Nord de l’Afrique (CERNA)
    5. Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA):
    6. Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (RECOWA-CERAO).


The next meeting of the Secretaries General will take place in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2013.

Issued by: Benedict B. Assorow
Director of Communications, SECAM
Tel: 00 233 302  778872  / 00 233 24  4274186
E-mail: secaminfo@yahoo.com

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