Episcopal Conference of Malawi


CCJP MEDIA STATEMENT On the murder of Mr Issa Njauju, Director of Corporate Affairs, Anti-Corruption Bureau

CCJP Press Statement

CCJP MEDIA STATEMENT On the murder of Mr Issa Njauju, Director of Corporate Affairs, Anti-Corruption Bureau


On the murder of Mr Issa Njauju, Director of Corporate Affairs, Anti-Corruption Bureau

1.0. Preamble
We, the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi are deeply saddened by the killing of the Anti Corruption Bureau Director of Corporate Affairs Mr. Issa Njauju. Whatever the reason for his murder, we strongly condemn his killing. This murder further highlights the levels of insecurity in our country. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

We also commiserate with his work colleagues. ACB staff, who are legally mandated by the state, to deal with corruption cases on behalf of all Malawians, deserve our full support at this difficult time. Such brutal acts cannot be allowed to affect the anti-corruption initiatives currently underway in response to cash gate.

2.0. Our Concerns

Whilst there is no official report yet providing details as to the reasons of the killing of the Director of Corporate Affairs for ACB; we in CCJP are worried that this incident will:

I. Send fear amongst and hinder the vital work of the anti-corruption agencies and justice delivery services like the courts, police and in particular the ACB.

II. Will jeopardize the anti-corruption efforts of government as it seeks to address the corroding malaise of financial looting that has impacted on the country’s limited resources, and which is currently affecting the delivery of timely and quality public services to all citizens.

3.0. Our Appeal

Considering the possible impact of Mr. Njauju’s murder upon the anti-corruption drive in Malawi, our strong appeal is to the following institutions:

I. Malawi Police: To expedite the murder investigations of the ACB Corporate Affairs Director so that TRUTH is established and takes away any wild speculation.

II. Malawi Government: To provide the necessary support to the Malawi Anti-Corruption Bureau so that the security of its officials and offices is ensured, enabling them to carry out their national duty without fear and interference.

III. Malawi Government: To prioritize internal security measures to ensure national security at all levels of the society which of late has been a great cause of worry.

IV. Malawian citizens and communities: To provide to the Malawian police services and the government any information or details related to this murder and other security incidents. Without citizens’ participation in addressing this country’s security challenges, insecurity will continue to haunt us.

V. Justice Delivery Services, Police, ACB and Courts: To expedite current corruption-related cases, so as to limit the time and space for criminal interference and disturbance. With delayed prosecutions hard core criminals will continue to seek ways of obstructing the justice system and structures.

VI. The Donor Community: Whilst appreciating your efforts in assisting government to conduct financial audits that are exposing various financial leakages that occurred in the past; we appeal to you to continue and strengthen your assistance to the Malawi government in capacitating the Police to combat crime; to the ACB in investigating and concluding timely corruption cases; and to the judiciary to effectively and timely deliver justice.

VII. The Media: Whilst CCJP acknowledges your efforts at exposing crime incidences, we in CCJP appeal to you to increase investigative journalism that provides information to complement justice delivery efforts in Malawi.

4.0. Conclusion

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) makes this media statement in solidarity with the other key players in the anti-corruption drive in Malawi and to express our sadness on the sudden death of the ACB Director of Corporate Affairs Mr. Issa Njauju (May His Soul Rest in Peace). Let us not get discouraged from our commitment to fight corruption and graft in Malawi as our continued efforts are needed now more than ever to ensure good governance and the future security of our country.

Signed: Chris Chisoni CCJP National Secretary. 07/07/15

One thought on “CCJP MEDIA STATEMENT On the murder of Mr Issa Njauju, Director of Corporate Affairs, Anti-Corruption Bureau

  1. Well done CCJP, it sets the best example when a church justice arm starts to make the ball roll in the right direction as the sayings go ie., : ‘reform must come from within not from without’ by James Gibbons and ‘to be a man is, precisely, to be responsible’ by Antoine de Sainte or ‘ Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live’ by Goethe.

    CCJP deserves to be saluted by all peace loving and patriotic Malawians.

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