Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Vatican Appreciates Financial Contribution from Malawi Catholic Church

Vatican Appreciates Financial Contribution from Malawi Catholic Church

Fr. Mwakhwawa with Pope FrancisThe Holy Father, Pope Francis expresses appreciation to all Catholics in Malawi for contributing K12, 866,301.09 (USD 28,540.06) in 2014 to Vatican for the Pontifical Mission Societies Universal Solidarity Fund to support other young, needy or suffering Catholic communities in the world.

The Holy Father, through the President of Pontifical Mission Societies, Most Reverend Protase Rugambwa, expressed the words of appreciation when closing a meeting of Directors of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Rome where Malawi was represented by PMS director, Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa.

According to Fr. Mwakhwawa, regardless of the tough economic situation of Malawi, Catholics have been generous in sharing their faith and financial resources with others.

“The monetary contribution which the Catholics in Malawi have remitted to Vatican may be used to support missionary activities in other young, needy and suffering Churches in Sudan, Iraq, Pakistan and some money may be sent back to Malawi to support other missionary projects,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

In the Catholic Church, every year there are three collections done in order to contribute money for the PMS Universal Solidarity Fund for helping the work of evangelization in young, needy and suffering Churches.

It is the pastoral policy of the Worldwide Catholic Church that each Christian should contribute through prayers, service and money for the work of the Church.

Fr. Mwakhwawa said the contributions are done on Epiphany Sunday (early January) for helping the evangelization work of children; on Vocation Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Easter) for helping evangelization through the training of priests, sisters and brothers in seminaries and noviciates; on Mission Sunday (third Sunday in October) for construction of Church buildings, provision of transport and religious materials for spreading the gospel.

“In order for the Catholic Church to succeed in teaching people of God about Universal Missionary responsibilities, the Holy Father and Bishops in every country, uses the Pontifical Mission Societies to animate and mobilization financial resources.

“Every baptized person is expected to demonstrate his Christian faith and responsibility by contributing money for work of evangelization so that the Gospel should be preached to others who have not heard it or those in difficult situations. Parish Priests have been key facilitators in making sure that each catholic faithful contributes and that the funds collected at every parishes be remitted to the Diocese and National Office and then sent to Vatican,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

One thought on “Vatican Appreciates Financial Contribution from Malawi Catholic Church

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Rev Father Mwakhwawa, we pray that the standards now set for the Catholic faithfuls in Malawi foes far and beyond in encouraging other African episcopal conferences to emulate the wonderful example.

    Well done, and we thank God for this kind gesture to the Catholic fraternity in Malawi, small are we not in deed, great we are in Spirit with our desire to grow the faith deeper.

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