Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Women Organization congratulate the AMECEA Region for its Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Catholic Women Organization congratulate the AMECEA Region for its Golden Jubilee Celebrations


CWO Chairperson – Evelyn Nanthuru

We Catholic Women Organization in Malawi is pleased to congratulate the AMECEA Region for its Golden Jubilee Celebrations. We encourage the Bishops to continue working hard in the AMECEA Region and best wishes for the next 50 years.

Congratulations to Archbishop T Ziyaye for retaining his chairmanship in the AMECEA Region.  We assure him and all the bishops total support to evangelize in Solidarity.

We are encouraged to continue giving full support and participating fully in all church activities at all levels, small Christian Communities, Church, Parish, Deanery, Diocese and at National Levels respectively.

As Catholic women in Malawi we condemn all acts of violence against women and several other abuses which women endure.  We pledge to continue supporting efforts that seek to empower women to take their rightful place in society and the church.

We encourage Catholic women professionals to go through on-going faith formation so that their faith can continue to be demonstrated even when they ascend to important administrative, Civic and Political offices. They should be women of faith who are socially and politically relevant to the African continent.  In time of political crisis they should not forget their Catholic identity as faithful citizens of the Nation.

On the issue of HIV and AIDS we have to take a reading role to fight the pandemic because at the end of the day we are the most victimized.  Therefore as mothers we should abstain from pre-marital sex. Be faithful to our husbands, sensitize our children and the youth of the pandemic, take care of the victimized in our homes and in small communities and never stop fighting till the end of it.

As family members we have to revisit our family roles, scrutinize them and make sure we give enough time to our children, give them full parental care and pray with them all the time.  The family is the source of evangelization.  Therefore, the word of God should start from the family.

We will continue to enhance ecumenical and interfaith dialogue and making sure that in our Small Christian Communities Justice and Peace prevails.



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