Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM Staff Start 2015 with Team Building Workshop

ECM Staff Start 2015 with Team Building Workshop

ECM Group PhotoMembers of staff for Catholic Secretariat’s Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) have kick-started their busy schedule in fulfilling their duties for the year 2015 with an orientation workshop termed “Team Building” workshop held in the Lakeshore district of Salima from 8-9th January this year.

Opening the workshop, acting Secretary General for ECM, Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo said the workshop was aimed at bringing together ECM stuff members so as to unit and work as a team in this year’s activities.

“By coming here together, it symbolizes that we are a family. We therefore have to reflect well that whatever we do is in line with the Vision and Mission of ECM. Let us realize that we are all at Catholic Secretariat to evangelize through our Commissions, “he said.

Fr. Chimombo said as Catholic Secretariat’s staff members, it is very crucial to embrace professionalism, efficiency and effectiveness whenever carrying out duties.
“Let’s strive to carry out our duties in an efficient, effective and no discrimination, “he said.

One of the facilitators to the workshop Fr. Andrew Kaufa who is also the Communications Secretary at ECM highlighted on the need for Catholic Secretariat’s staff to make sure that they attach their day to day activities in line with the Catholic Social Teachings.

Chris Chisoni of Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) says the role of Catholic Secretariat’s staff is to represent the Church by engaging people through its structures which are Commissions, departments, conferences, programs, statements and letters.

Adding his voice was the Director of Administration, Finance and Investments, Aggrey Mwale who stressed the need of staff members to follow ECM Code of conduct.

“It is each and every one’s responsibility to adhere to the code of conduct like the dress code, work standards like being responsible, professional and good sound truck in our behavior. In addition, moral standards are crucial to ECM employees,” he said.

Other topics that were looked into during the workshop include policies on Vehicles, medical, HIV work, employment, procurement and Child Protection policies.

The workshop also deliberated on the Financial management system, procedures and administrative procedures and Communications mechanisms.

The workshop brought together all the 48 staff members from all the Commissions under ECM which includes, Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP),Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Education, Pastoral, Health and Communications

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