Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Bishops Set To Launch Kachebere Seminary’s Jubilee Year

Bishops Set To Launch Kachebere Seminary’s Jubilee Year

10348623_10202023262198955_3727545865688057676_nThe Catholic Church in Malawi will on Saturday, 10th January, 2014 will preside over the Eucharist Celebration that will mark the official inauguration of Kachebere Major Seminary’s Jubilee Year right at the seminary itself.

Kachebere Major Seminary, also known as St. Anthony Major Seminary, a philosophical college under the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, opened its doors on 10th October 1939 and has thus clocked 75 years of its existence.

Most Reverend Martin Mtumbuka, Bishop of Karonga Diocese who is also Bishop Chairman for Seminaries shall lead the Church in the celebration that marks the opening of the Jubilee year. All the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church in Malawi as well as priests from all over the country are expected to attend the function and to concelebrate the Mass that will start at 9:30 am.

“The Seminary is the way through which the young people are formed and prepared for priestly ministry. Although not many people who pass through the corridors of the seminary become priests, the institution forms and prepares numerous people to become future leaders and servants of the people of God in various sectors of life in our country, Malawi, “said Fr Nyanga, Chairperson for the Jubilii Committee.

According to history, at first Kachebere served as a regional seminary for the vicariates in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and Nyasaland (now Malawi). Today the seminarians come from the eight dioceses of Malawi: Karonga, Mzuzu, Lilongwe, Dedza, Mangochi, Zomba, Blantyre and Chikwawa.

According to the information from the Catholic Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), the Jubilee year commences on 10th January 2015 and will run until 10th October 2015. Both the opening and closings days will have a Eucharist celebration.

On behalf of the Jubilee committee, Fr. George Nyanga also said, “Several activities are expected to be carried out within this Jubilee year such as pilgrims to the seminary by the lay faithful, workshops and seminars on the Catholic Church teachings, fundraising events, Eucharist celebration and kick start of development projects that will aid the seminary in income generating for self sustainability.”

“We expect all those people who have gone through this seminary to actively support the planned activities. Similarly, many Christians out there have also in one way or another been beneficiaries of Mother Kachebere. We expect them to be part of this jubilee year,” continued Fr Nyanga.

The Jubilee committee through its fundraising programme already held a fundraising braai in November, 2014 and will be having first Fundraising Dinner and Dance on 31st January, 2015 at Bingu International Conference Centre.

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