Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Called to sow seeds of hope and to build peace

Called to sow seeds of hope and to build peace

“Let there be young people who are committed in knowing, loving and defending their faith”

His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka has advised young people in the country to give themselves generously to the calling of Christ without fear, Pride and resistance.

The Bishop Chairman for Pastoral Commission at ECM made the appeal at St. Martins de Porres Parish (Ngerenge) in the diocese of Karonga when he led the Celebration of the Vocation’s Sunday at National level.

The prelate started by expressing gratitude to all priests and the religious in Malawi who have consecrated themselves for the service of the Lord. He entrusted them to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Speaking directly to the young people gathered at the Eucharistic celebration and across the nation, Bishop Martin, as he is commonly called, strongly appealed that they give themselves generously without fear or pride. “The risen Lord as it were some years back, continues to walk the streets of our lives to satisfy us” he said. “Jesus is calling you my dear young people to follow Him, he wants you to give him priority in your lives, he wants you to handover yourself entirely in his hands”.

The prelate of Karonga went Further to advise that it is in sincerity and openness to Christ that young people find peace. “I beg you young people to have courage and offer yourselves like your brothers and sisters” (pointing at priests and the religious). He went further to urge them to grow in faith and be attentive to the voice of God. “Do not become slaves of worldly things, do not be afraid following Christ. Let there be young people who are committed in knowing, loving and defending their faith” he challenged. Bishop Mtumbuka concluded talking directly to the young people by saying “imitate the greatest, (Jesus), Do not just think of things of this world, we can liberate you politically but true freedom is found in Christ, do not be selfish with your gifts and do not be proud when God he is calling you”.


Bishop Mtumbuka had some consoling yet challenging words to his priests and religious. ” The way you live, celebrate and proclaim your own vocations is the greatest witness to these young people…Let there be priests with pastoral zeal” he said, “Let there be religious men and women who have no other commitments apart from preaching and ministering…Let there be men and women who manifests clearly that they love Christ, not becoming slaves of ‘Isms’ and other ideologies”, he warned. “Young people will never be inspired by priests and religious who are lazy and worldly”, he advised.


Bishop Mtumbuka thanked all parents who are inspiring and teaching their children in faith and morals. He however stressed that “Vocations grow in Christian communities, it is therefore your duty as parents to turn your homes into Christian communities, teach and hand over your faith to children”.

The Fourth Sunday of Easter is known as Vocations Sunday or Good Shepherd Sunday, and is marked as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The purpose of this day is to fulfil Jesus’ instruction to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38). This year’s theme is: Called to sow seeds of hope and to build peace

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