Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Communicators in Malawi and Zambia Urged to Embrace the Digital World for Evangelization

Catholic Communicators in Malawi and Zambia Urged to Embrace the Digital World for Evangelization

Catholic Communicators in Malawi and Zambia have been urged to embrace the reality of the digital world as the New Norm and use it to meet the needs of various groups, especially the youth.
This was said by the AMECEA Social Communications Coordinator Rev Fr. Andrew Kaufa SMM during a Resource Mobilisation Training organized by the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) Social Communications department.
“As Communicators, we have to help the Church to do its work of evangelization in this digital World. We can no longer operate traditionally, otherwise, how are we going to meet these youths? Let us go into the digital social platforms, where it’s easier to meet them with the Gospel than it is to meet them physically these days.” Said Fr. Kaufa
Closing the workshop, Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) Secretary General Rev Father Francis Mukosa called on Participants to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired for their institutions to become sustainable.
He continued that resource mobilization is a very important aspect of the ministry, especially now that most institutions are struggling to get funding, hence the training has come at the right time.
Fr. Kaufa thanked participants for their active participation during the two weeks saying it showed the seriousness of the Communicators in improving their institutions
The workshop was attended by Diocesan Communication Coordinators and Catholic media houses from the Episcopal Conferences of Malawi and Zambia covering several topics including project proposal writing, diversification, Resource mobilization policy development, Financial reporting, and building reserve funds among others.

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