Episcopal Conference of Malawi




The National Executive Committee of the Young Christian Workers Movement in Malawi in consultation with their National Youth Chaplain Rev. Fr. Valeriano Mtseka who is also the Deputy Secretary General (DSG) of The Episcopal of Malawi convened a National Council of Leaders meeting from the 23rd through 25th June 2023 in Nkhata-Bay at St. Joseph Pastoral Centre in the Diocese of Mzuzu. The Theme for the meeting was; Serving God and Mankind as we strive to be a Self-sustainable Movement.

Among other things the council of leaders received and discussed administrative and financial reports from all the 8 Dioceses and Archdioceses across the country as well as from the National executive committee.


The Council also made some replacements to the National Executive Committee membership. Boniface Kadewere and Vian Chikwakwa were appointed as National Treasurer and National Vice Secretary General respectively. With these replacements the council is optimistic that there will be some changes in the way the National Executive Committee discharges its duties.

During the meeting the council also restructured  the movement’s finance and investment committee  and new office bearers were appointed to undertake the following:

  1. Organize, plan and implement fundraising and solicitation of sponsorship activities for the YCW Malawi.
  2. Organize, plan and implement investment projects activities of the YCW Malawi.
  3. Propose recommendations to the National Executive Committee on investment policy and strategy
  4. Monitor the YCW Malawi’s investments to assess the appropriateness of the investment strategy,and recommend changes to the National YCW Executive Committee as appropriate
  5. Report to the National YCW Executive Committee at regular intervals on investment performance
  6. Report on areas of risk within the investment strategy

The newly restructured committee will assume taking charge of income generating activities such as the piggery project that the Executive Committee initiated at Mthawira Parish in the Arch-diocese of Blantyre and then also coordinate the Plot Ipite Raffle draw that is aimed at raising funds for the YCW Cloth project which will help in increasing the visibility of the movement and at the same time generate some income for the movement.

The meeting also discussed responsible use of social media platforms as tools for evangelization.  Fr. Amos Katumbi from Mzuzu Diocese made a presentation on Stress Management and Psychosocial Well Being 0f YCW members.

The National Youth Chaplain challenged  the members to strive to do what is good in the way they think, talk, act and relate with one another especially now that they are faced with various economic challenges.


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