Episcopal Conference of Malawi


CADECOM Launches Food Security Project In Dedza

CADECOM Launches Food Security Project In Dedza

Patrick NamakhomaCatholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM),Dedza Diocese recently launched a three-year Integrated Food Security Project to be implemented in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Kaphuka in Dedza.

The project which is aimed at helping over 1000 vulnerable and pooresr households is being funded by Trocaire to the tune of K300 Million.

Dedza CADECOM director,Patrick Namakhoma said major activities lined up in the project include promotion of food security and increasing household incomes among the targeted households.

“There shall be drilling of boreholes, establishment of irrigation schemes, beneficiary trainings, afforestation, seed and livestock distribution, energy saving technologies, agro forestry, post harvest management and village savings and loans,”sai Namakhoma.

He added,“It is expected that after 3 years, the targeted households will have their poverty levels reduced through increased food security, increased incomes and knowledge on best agricultural practices and marketing. The interventions will mainly target female headed households, child headed households, households keeping orphans, the elderly and those infected with HIV and AIDs”.

Group Village head Zuze expressed gratitude to CADECOM for choosing his area to benefit from the project.

He said the project will help to reduce poverty levels in the area.

Zuze said the already existing structures will be used to select beneficiaries so that issues of bias are avoided.

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