Episcopal Conference of Malawi




The Episcopal Conference of Malawi, the umbrella body of the Catholic Bishops in Malawi, is holding its first Annual Plenary from Monday, 30th January to Friday, 3rd February, 2023. The meeting which is being held at the Catholic Secretariat in Lilongwe is attended by the members of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi. The Apostolic Nuncio to Malawi, His Excellency, Most Reverend Gianfranco Gallone attended the opening session

The meeting will, among other things, discuss matters pertaining to resolutions passed at the recent 20th AMECEA Plenary held in Dar es Salaam between 10th and 17th July 2022 whose reflection centred on the reflection and implementation of the Encyclical written and published in May 2015 by Pope Francis called Laudato Si.

The bishops will also receive and discuss general progress report from the Catholic University of Malawi (CUNIMA),  appraise the Conference on the socio-political and economic situation in the country, deliberate on progress and status reports from the Catholic Secretariat’s Pastoral, Social Development, Finance, Investments and Administration Directorates,  receive and discuss progress reports on development projects for the Catholic Secretariat and other National Institutions, launch, at the National level, the ECM Safeguarding Policy for children and vulnerable groups,  guide the preparations for the sub-region Conference of bishops of Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe that is scheduled to take place here in Malawi in the month of July and receive and discuss progress and status reports from National Bodies and Organizations such as Association of Diocesan Catholic Clergy in Malawi (ADCCOM),  Association of Women in Religious Institutes in Malawi (A WRIM), Association of Men Religious in Malawi (AMRIM) among others


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