Episcopal Conference of Malawi




By: Rev Fr. Francis Damaseke
In his homily, archbishop Thomas Msusa expressed gratitude to the Holy Father Pope Francis for allowing the investure of the Pallium to take place in respective dioceses as it has accorded all the people of God in the jurisdiction an opportunity to witness the occasion and Concretisize the unity which the Pallium calls for.
The immediate former president of the ECM asked his immediate successor Archbishop Goerge Tambala to unite the people of God in the metropolitan of Lilongwe. “Like Peter, I urge you my brother to feed the lambs of Lilongwe archdiocese and beyond,” said the prelate of Blantyre archdiocese. “Yours is a great task, like St. Thomas Aquinas let your desire be Christ alone.  ‘I need you alone Lord'”.
Archbishop Msusa  also invited all people of good will to reflect on their leadership abilities. Quoting Pope Francis, the archbishop said  “A good shepherd must smell like his sheep”. What kind of smell are we producing? Wondered archbishop Msusa. ” People out there have many needs that all of us as leaders must address; lack of farm inputs, (fertilizer) justice, mercy and love”, he admonished.
Insults and sufferings will be there, but like the apostle Peter and Paul we must count on the Lord’s help.”
Present at the  ceremony were Bishop Montfort Stima who is also the Vice President of the ECM, Bishop Martin Anwell Mtumbuka of Karonga, bishop Peter Chifukwa of Dedza and bishop Peter Musikuwa of Chikwawa diocese.
Also present was the State Vice President  Right Hounarable Saulos Chilima and Madame Mary Chilima, Rev Brayan Kamwendo presidential adviser on religious affairs and many other political figures.

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