Episcopal Conference of Malawi




• Catholic Health Commission (CHC) is one of the commissionsunderthe Social Development Directorate of the Episcopal ConferenceofMalawi (ECM) of the Catholic church
• CHC was established in 2004
• CHC mission is continuing with the healing ministry of JesusChristthrough promotion of human life by coordinating and providingnon-discriminatory, affordable and quality health services torural andurban areas”
• Coordination and implementation through:
? Facility based care – CHC has 86 health facilities and5traininginstitutions
? Community programs – HIV & AIDS, SRHR, Nutrition, Maternal
Health, Communicable and non communicable diseases.

• CHC has nine offices across the country as follows:
? National Office at Catholic Secretariat in Area 11 in Lilongwe? Eight (8) Diocesan offices located in the eight (8) Dioceses:Blantyre, Chikwawa, Dedza, Karonga, Lilongwe, Mangochi,Mzuzu and Zomba
• CHC has qualified and experienced personnel in place to coordinate and implement its health programmes. The secretariat is headed by Health Coordinator and supported by Programme Coordinators,Project Officers, M&E Officers, Field Officers, Accountants and volunteers
• CHC has the ability to reach out to all districts in the country through the Diocesan Offices as follows: • Karonga CHC: Secretariat is in Karonga and covers Karonga and Chitipa districts.

Mzuzu CHC: The secretariat is in Mzuzu and covers Mzimba,Rumphi, Nkhata Bay and Likoma districts. • Lilongwe CHC: Secretariat is in Likuni, Lilongwe andcoversLilongwe, Kasungu, Nkhotakota, Ntchisi, Dowa, Mchinji and Salima. • Dedza CHC: The secretariat is in Dedza and covers DedzaandNtcheu districts. • Mangochi CHC: The secretariat is in Mangochi and covers the districts of Mangochi, Balaka and Machinga. • Zomba CHC: The secretariat is in Zomba and covers ZombaandPhalombe. • Blantyre CHC: The secretariat is in Blantyre and covers Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Mulanje, Thyolo, Mwanza and Neno districts. • Chikwawa CHC: The secretariat is in Chikwawa and covers Chikwawa and Nsanje districts
• CHC has policies, procedures and systems in place including Finance Manual, Accounting system, Procurement Policy, Conditions of Service.

CHC has successfully implemented the following projects
• HIV/TB -Global fund 1st grant: 2016 – 2017
2nd grant: 2018 – 2020
? FCI(HIV ) – USAID: 2019- 2021
? SRH&R –KFW – 2016 -2019
CHC is currently implementing the following projects
• COVID-19 Mechanism response –Global fund: 2022-2023• EMPOWER /VMMC Project –USAID: 2020 – 2024

? To do more community interventions in both emergency and planned Interventions according to thematic areas


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