Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Gender, Child Protection and Disability Audit

Location:  Malawi (Rumphi – TAs Kachulu, Mwalweni and Katumbi, Dedza- TA Tambala and Mwanza- TA Kanduku)

Employment Type: Consultancy Contract

Closing Date: Close of business, Friday, 14th December 2022.

Supporting Documentation:  TERMS OF REFERENCE (Please visit CADECOM home page: www.ecmmw.org)

  • Task Title           Gender, Child Protection and Disability Consultant
  • Length                15-20 days
  • Timeframe          December, 2022 to January, 2023

The Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) with support from Caritas Australia has been implementing the ‘Integrated Community Development Programs (Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)’ Program and the Malawi Tanzania Integrated Community Development Programs ( A+) for 12 years now aimed at supporting marginal communities in to enhance their quality of life by adopting an endogenous approach and through improved food security and access to water, sanitation and hygiene services. CADECOM in partnership with Caritas Australia plan to develop a successor Program for A+.

Rationale and purpose                                                              

Prior to the A+ Successor Program, a Gender, Child Protection and Disability Audit will be conducted in order to explore CADECOM’s capacity, analyze gender, child protection, disability and safeguarding related strengths and gaps in the new target locations (Rumphi, Dedza and Mwanza districts) and identify potential program activities and approaches to address challenges within these thematic areas.

Consultant Key responsibilities

A Consultant will be required to;

  •  Develop the Audit methodology and tools
  • Conduct the Audit in liaison with key stakeholders,
  • Produce a full draft for debriefing meeting with CADECOM.
  • Produce a final report clearly outlining specific recommendations for action.

The consultant should have the following: 

  • Advanced qualification in International Development/Social Science; Human Rights; Gender Studies; Disability Law and Policy or similar fields.
  • Extensive experience in conducting gender, child protection and disability audits and developing gender, child protection and disability strategies preferably in Malawi with excellent understanding of context specific gender, child protection and disability issues, approaches and developments.
  • Familiarity with the gender, child protection and disability rights law and policy landscape in Malawi and the prevailing and emerging issues relating to gender mainstreaming, child rights protection and disability mainstreaming.
  • Practical knowledge, skills and experience in carrying gender, child protection and disability access audits in both the public and non-state sectors.
  • Experience with human rights advocacy projects and programmes aimed at fostering inclusion of marginalized and vulnerable groups in Malawi.
  • Familiarity, knowledge and sensitivity about the prevailing gender, child protection and disability rights situation in the country.
  • Preferably local language knowledge and skills
  • Experience in conducting and facilitating interviews, focus groups and meetings.
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills.
  • Practical experience in using participatory approaches in diverse socio-economic and cultural settings.
  • Experience working with church-based partners, preferably within the Catholic context.
  • The ability to respectfully and effectively communicate with diverse groups of people, including children.
  • Ability to travel and work in remote locations in accordance with Government’s COVID-19 regulations.

If interested?                                                                                               

If interested in this consultancy task, review the Terms of Reference, and submit an Expressions of Interest (EOI) to chimwemwenkosi@gmail and fdamaseke@gmail.com,  copy to immaculate.jo.j@gmail.com

The expression of interest should also include:

  • A curriculum vitae with two references (Max 5 Pages)
  • A proposal:

Technical Proposal: The proposed approach and methodology for the consultancy (Max 7 pages)

Financial Proposal: Proposed Budget – including daily rate and all costs in relation to travel, meals, accommodation and other expenses related to the consultancy

  • Copies of previous reports that they have written.
  • Availability (available months/year) to undertake the consultancy.

Only short-listed applicants meeting the requirements stated above will be contacted. 

For any questions, please get in touch with above email contacts.


                                          TERMS OF REFERENCE (TORs)

Gender, Child Protection and Disability Audit.

  1. Introduction

The Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) with support from Caritas Australia implemented the Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES) Program from 2011 to 2016. The program was succeeded by the Malawi Tanzania Integrated Community Development Program (A+) which has been implemented from 2017 and is expected to be completed in June 2023.

In the past 6 years (2017-2022), the A+ program has been working with selected communities and identified vulnerable groups such as children, people living with disabilities, women, and the elderly in the Dioceses of Karonga, Mzuzu, Blantyre, Lilongwe. The program aims to support marginal communities in to enhance their quality of life by adopting an endogenous approach and through improved food security and access to water, sanitation and hygiene services.


In 2022 a new program is being developed. The A+ Successor Program draws on the experiences of the Asset Based Community Development and Strength-based Approaches, which encourages participants to identify and utilize on their existing assets, resources and capabilities to achieve their development aspirations. The focus of the program is on ensuring inclusiveness of the most marginalized in access to services and decision-making processes. The program will be working on strengthening: the ability of the community to access services and service providers to address a wide range of development priorities as identified by the communities. The new program design will continue to identify and include the most marginalized and will adopt strategies that promote gender equity, child protection, inclusion, and support to people living with disabilities.


Communities will enjoy incremental access to set basic services so that by the end of the program period, they will have: access to clean reliable water; improved sanitation and hygiene (resulting in decreases in communicable diseases); have mastered better farming practices (including post-harvest produce handling and marketing) to increase food security, developed/strengthened internal saving and lending schemes for income generation activities; access to extension services; the most marginalized including women fully participate in decision making processes; strong and functioning management organs existing at community level (e.g. Water User Committees,  Irrigation Committees and other beneficiaries’ groups).


These benefits will be sustained through the improved provision of services from Government; capacity building of communities in various respects to address their own development needs; and the creation of strong community level structures. CADECOM will also   continue to influence policy makers at various levels in such areas as water supply, food security and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies.


  1. Purpose and Objectives

The audit will explore CADECOM’s capacity and analyze gender, child protection and disability related strengths and gaps in the new project communities to understand the current context and identify potential program activities and approaches to address challenges within these thematic areas. The audit and its recommendations will then lead to the formulation of a Gender, Child Protection and Disability Strategy in the new 4-year program design with dedicated gender, protection and disability trainings, technical assistance, and activities. It will also establish a proxy baseline against which progress and outcomes in this critical area of work can be measured. In addition, the Audit will also help to identify actions to build the internal capacity of CADECOM.


In recent times safeguarding (Prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and child safeguarding) has been an increasing area of focus for the international aid and development sector. Safeguarding will therefore also be considered in this audit to understand and identify safeguarding related strengths, gaps and capacity building actions of partners. It will focus on three main areas:


  1. CADECOM’s organizational safeguarding policies, procedures, and approaches
  2. Gauging staff knowledge and skills on safeguarding order to identify areas for capacity building
  3. How safeguarding is incorporated into programming and communities’ engagement and awareness activities.

The Objectives of the Gender, Child Protection and Disability Audit

The Objectives of the Gender, Child Protection and Disability Audit

Community Level Project Level Organisation Level
Overarching Objectives ·  Determine community members perceptions of gender, child protection and disability and how they may differ between different groups. (i.e. men women, young and old)

·  To understand the potential impact of the project activities that may positively address gender, child protection and disability challenges. within the communities

·  Determine the communities understanding of safe and dignified programming

·  To identify strategies/interventions to ensure the inclusion and meaningful participation of marginalized groups (women, girls, children, people with disability, etc) in our program, as well as in community life in general.

·  To provide recommendations for the formulation of a Gender, Child Protection and Disability Strategy for the new 3-year program design.

·  To identify project activities that will support safe and dignified programming.

·  To understand staff skills, knowledge and perceptions on gender equality, child protection, disability inclusion and safeguarding to inform capacity building initiatives.

·  To review the policies, tools, templates and resources that CADECOM has that supports gender equality, child protection, disability inclusion programming and safeguarding against best practice minimum standard and how they can be utilized

·  To make recommendations for how these approaches could be strengthened.

·  To map and place recommendations for capturing best practices and leveraging Gender, Child Protection and Disability support capacity and capabilities across the available stakeholders.

Gender ·       To understand current perceptions of gender roles, responsibilities and rights in the participating communities (including in respect to division of labour, decision making, representation, relationships, safety and gender-based violence, and opportunities);

·       To understand the drivers of gender inequality and identify the key gender issues within target communities;

·       To determine good practices within the community that provide spaces and opportunities for the meaningful participation of women and girls.

·       To determine what strengths and capacities and mechanisms exist in communities regarding Gender mainstreaming and development.


·  To better understand how gender and power dynamics can impact on the Integrated Rural Development Program’s priority sectors of water and sanitation, and food security.

·  Recommend specific actions which can be undertaken within the project at the community level to redress gender inequality and build on strengths.

·  To understand staff attitudes, perceptions and knowledge of gender equality issues, and CADECOM approaches to gender equality and culture.

·  To outline how CADECOM addresses gender across the organization; including the existence and utility of gender tools, policies and training

·  To recommend specific actions which can be undertaken within the organization to strengthen staff knowledge and improve gender equality.

·  To map and place recommendations for capturing best practices and leveraging Gender support capacity and capabilities across the available stakeholders.

Child Protection ·   To determine the situation of children’s wellbeing in communities; including what the current challenges and risks are to their protection.

·  To understand attitudes amongst men, women, boys and girls about child protection and whether there are helpful or harmful attitudes to children’s’ wellbeing.

·  To determine what strengths, best practices and capacities and mechanisms exist in communities regarding child protection.


·   To better understand child protection concerns or risks in relation to the Integrated Rural Development Program’s priority sectors of water and sanitation and food security.

·  Recommend specific actions which can be undertaken within the project at the community level to promote child protection, ensure the participation of children in decision-making and build on strengths.


·   To understand staff attitudes, perceptions and knowledge of child protection issues, and of existing child protection/ safeguarding systems.

·  To outline how CADECOM addresses child safeguarding across the organization ensuring they meet good practice standards (Caritas International and Caritas Australia); including the existence and utility of child protection tools, policies and training.

·  To recommend specific actions which can be undertaken within CADECOM to better improve child safeguarding and protection.

·  To map and place recommendations in capturing best practices and leveraging Child Protection support capacity and capabilities across the available stakeholders.

Disability ·  To understand the strengths, attitudes, challenges and barriers that people with disability face in maintaining their wellbeing, safety and inclusion within the communities (men, women, boys and girls).

·  To determine what strengths and capacities exist in communities to ensure the inclusion of people with disability is meaningful engagement to understand the current strengths and gaps in staff skills and knowledge in Disability.

·   To better understand barriers, opportunities and risks in relation to disability within the Integrated Rural Development Program’s priority sectors of water and sanitation and food security.

·  Recommend specific actions which can be undertaken within the project at the community level to promote disability inclusion and protection, ensure the active participation of people with disability in decision-making and build on strengths.

·  To understand staff attitudes, perceptions and knowledge of disability and of existing approaches to disability inclusion; including analyzing disability inclusion in the workplace.

·  To outline how CADECOM addresses disability inclusion across the organization; including the existence and utility of Disability tools, policies and training

·  To recommend specific actions which can be undertaken within CADECOM to further strengthen disability inclusion.

·  To map and place recommendations in capturing best practices and leveraging Disability support capacity and capabilities across the available stakeholders.

Safeguarding ·  To understand the context within the communities that may increase the possibility of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment of children and others by Caritas or stakeholder staff.

·  To determine appropriate activities/actions that will help inform communities or the expected obligations of Caritas and stakeholder staff and appropriate reporting mechanisms.

·  To better understand what safeguarding risks, arise or are exacerbated as a result of program initiatives.

·  Recommend specific actions which could be undertaken within the project at the community level to ensure awareness of SEAH and to develop appropriate reporting channels that align with the Caritas Australia Partners feedback and complaint mechanisms.

·  To understand staff attitudes, perceptions and knowledge of safeguarding

·  To review the policies, procedures and safeguarding practices of Caritas Australia partners against minimum standards (Caritas International  and Caritas Australia)

·  To recommend specific actions which can be undertaken within CADECOM to further strengthen safeguarding.

·  To map and placing recommendations for capturing best practices and leveraging safeguarding support capacity and capabilities across the available stakeholders.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities 


A consultant/s will be engaged to develop and administer this review and will be required to submit an expression of interest in undertaking the review.


The appointed consultant/s will work directly with CADECOM and Caritas Australia in:

  • developing the review methodology and tools
  • implementing the review activities and liaising with key stakeholders,
  • finalizing the report and recommendations.


As the subject of the review, CADECOM will be closely consulted on the review and will be engaged in approving the review methodology and survey questions. CADECOM will also work with the consultant on developing safe processes for the role out of the review, understanding review limitations and obligations of confidentiality and data protection and safety of participants.

CADECOM will also provide the consultant with respective referral information for each target community in case of disclosure of abuse, violence or other matters that would require referral to a support agency. Details of who and how to report an allegation against a staff member or volunteer will also be provided to the consultant and the communities.

At the completion of the review, key CADECOM          staff will participate in the feedback workshop/meeting together with the consultant, and Caritas Australia in which the findings and recommendations will be presented and discussed.

Caritas Australia

Will provide funding for the review and provide technical oversight as required. Caritas Australia will liaise with all those engaged in this review and participate in the feedback workshop/meeting. Caritas Australia will also work with CADECOM to implement recommendations moving forward.

  1. Audience

The gender, child protection and disability audit will be commissioned by Caritas Australia in partnership with CADECOM.  The audience for the audit will be CADECOM. Caritas Australia with CADECOM’s consent may share the results from this audit with relevant and interested stakeholders including Government and other Caritas International partners. CADECOM will also share the results with government, the target communities and all relevant stakeholders involved in the audit including local government.

  1. Methodology
  2. Desk Review
  • A review of key documents and data pertaining to CADECOM, the projects and the community including: The first stage of the audit will require a comprehensive review of pre-existing data on gender, child protection and disability to ensure there is not excessive duplication in data collection.
  • Assessing the organizational policies (gender, child protection, child protection code of conduct, prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and Disabilities Inclusion Policies and procedures and other protection documentation) according to the Caritas International management standards and other tools.
  • The Program Design Documents. (2012-2016 and 2017-2023) and all Year’s Project Activity Plans.
  • Annual reports for 2016-17 to 2021-22 & Interim Reports from XX duration.
  • Literature review and research on the social and cultural context as it relates to gender, child protection and disability in the program areas.
  1. Risk Assessment

The consultant in consultation with CADECOM and Caritas Australia should provide a risk mitigation strategy detailing how they will address any risks in conducting this audit.  Areas of concern include:

  • Creating safe spaces for community participants during the audit (e.g., women may be interviewed separately to men, with a female interviewer, in a safe location)
  • Actions and processes are outlined if information is disclosed that required reporting or referral (i.e., disclosure of abuse – who to report and how)
  • How questions will be asked indirectly to ensure that no harm is created.
  • Ensuring all participants including community members and staff are aware of the audit, how information will be used, expected behavior of staff and how to report concerns about staff.
  • All participants are able to participate freely and the consent processes is documented
  • Alternative activities and procedures to minimize the risk of COVID 19 transmission
  • How personal data will be collected and stored (if collected)
  • A detailed referral map outlining specific referral mechanism (including address or phone numbers) should anyone become distressed during the data collection process or need further assistance.
  • Details of how referral mechanisms and avenues for feedback and complaints has been developed.
  • Details of the consent process in asking community members to participate.
  • Backup plan if it is inappropriate to do community interviews/questionnaires due to COVID and/or other reasons.
  1. Field Review

From reviewing the documentation and the Objectives Matrix, a Data Collection tool for

community and staff should be formulated and submitted to Caritas Australia, and CADECOM for review.

Once the data collection tool is finalized, the team that includes CADECOM staff (as relevant), will receive training and will then conduct a situation analysis of gender, child protection and disability in each project location:

At each project site, conduct the following:

  • Questionnaire – households survey (at least 200 total including women, and people living with disabilities and/or their carers); 50 in each village.
  • Key informant interviews (male and female, and children at each site – care should be taken to interview a variety of informants, including village leaders at different levels and communities who practice different marriage systems)
  • Key informant interviews with institution leaders from the organizations directly/indirectly related to Gender, Child Protection, Disability and Safeguarding.
  • Focus group discussions (with at least one group of males, one group of females and one group of children/youth at each site.
  1. Organizational Review

After having reviewed the relevant organizational documentation, conduct semi structured interviews and survey with staff to determine skills, strengths, gaps and experience. The staff survey will also look at organizational culture, staff perceptions and attitudes on gender, child protection, disability inclusion and safeguarding.

  1. Analysis of data

The consultant should submit for review a detailed outline of the methodology and tools they will use to synthesize and analyze the data collected.

The final document should consist of four sections – 1) gender audit, 2) child protection audit, 3) disability audit and 4) Safeguarding.

  1. Profile of the Gender, Child Protection and Disability Team  

The gender, child protection and disability audit will primarily be conducted by an external consultant, contracted by CADECOM and Caritas Australia.  Appropriate Caritas Australia and CADECOM staff will also form part of the gender, child protection and disability audit team. It is essential that the consultant and the team work closely with local staff from each of the target areas.

The external consultant will be selected based on the following skills and experience:

  • Extensive experience in conducting gender, child protection and disability audits and developing gender, child protection and disability strategies preferably in Malawi with excellent understanding of context specific gender, child protection and disability issues, approaches and developments.
  • Preferably having local language knowledge and skills
  • Experience in conducting and facilitating interviews, focus groups and meetings.
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills. Please note that consultant applicant will be asked to submit copies of previous reports that they have written.
  • Experience working with church-based partners, preferably within the Catholic context.
  • The ability to respectfully and effectively communicate with diverse groups of people, including children.
  • Ability to travel and work in remote locations, in accordance with the government’s COVID-19 regulations.
  1. Expected Deliverable

Prior to the field analysis, the external consultant will submit a draft implementation plan, including the risk mitigation strategy, data collection tool with details of questions to be asked, copies of the draft questionnaire and time to l be spent at each field site, for review by Caritas Australia and CADECOM staff. The consultant will also need to submit a data analysis methodology plan indicating how data will be synthesized and analyzed.


A draft gender, child protection and disability audit report will be submitted to Caritas Australia and CADECOM within two weeks of the conclusion of the field visits.  As mentioned above, this will enable verification and clarification of information prior to the finalization of the evaluation report.

Submission of draft Gender, Child Protection and Disability Audit within 2 weeks of concluding field visit.

Submission of final Gender, Child Protection and Disability Audit report within four weeks of concluding field work. An extension of 2 weeks can be agreed upon in case of a delay

The final gender, child protection and disability audit report will include three separate sections on gender, child protection and disability including:

  • An executive summary and overall recommendations
  • Key findings on each area of inquiry (e.g. relevance, verification of program delivery) and an analysis of these findings
  • Successes/failures and the reasons for these
  • Lessons learned
  • Specific recommendations on any aspect of the program, its planning, implementation, management, coordination, and other related factors. This will also identify the people responsible for implementing these recommendations.
  • Specific and exclusive recommendations for each partner and program (i.e. separate reports or clearly distinct sections)
  • Appendices of statistical data, participant testimonies, case studies, photos etc.
  • Field work
  1. Logistical Support

The following support will be provided to the consultant:

  • CADECOM and program documentation (including program designs, progress reports, monitoring trip reports) will be provided to the consultant.
  • Interviews and meetings with program participants, staff, and volunteers will be organized in consultation with CADECOM, and Caritas Australia.
  1. Submission of EOI and Additional Information 

A short expression of interest is required to describe the candidate’s experience in relation to this Terms of Reference and the following:

  • A curriculum vitae with two references
  • A proposal outlining:
    • Technical Proposal: The proposed approach and methodology for the consultancy,
    • Financial Proposal: Proposed Budget – including daily rate and all costs in relation to travel, meals, accommodation and other expenses related to the consultancy, and
    • Availability (available months/year) to undertake the consultancy.
  1. Payments and Other:

Payment will be on submission of tax Invoice on delivery against milestones in multiple tranches and will be listed in the task agreement document.

All equipment and materials required for the assignment are to be provided by the consultant except where otherwise indicated in the Terms of Reference above

Caritas Australia may request written evidence of necessary insurance (including workers’ compensation), superannuation, and taxation prior to commencement of the assignment.

  1. Commitment to safeguarding and diversity.

11.1 Our commitment to safeguarding

Caritas Australia and CADECOM recognize the personal dignity and rights of all people, especially children and vulnerable adults towards whom we have a special responsibility. If you are offered this position, you will be required to undergo relevant background checks, including police or reference checks.

You will also be required to sign our Code of Conduct, which includes a section on Professional Behavior Standards for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, as well as to abide by our safeguarding policies.

11.2 Our commitment to diversity

Caritas Australia and CADECOM support an inclusive and diverse workforce.





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