Episcopal Conference of Malawi




Archbishop George Desmond Tambala, prelate of the cosmopolitan archdiocese of Lilongwe has stressed on the need and importance of liturgical singing that reflects Malawian culture and traditions.
Archbishop Tambala said this at Mlale novitiate for the Sisters of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus in Likuni Denary Saturday where he led mass thanking God that two nuns took their last vows, three commemorated golden jubilee and one nun clocked 60 years serving God and His Church-diamond jubilee.
“These days we are using western and electric music equipment in our Church singing. The guitar, for example and keyboard, for example. But they are so prominent that our character as Africans is submerged. Where is the African drum, visekese, Limba and nthungululu?
“We need to incorporate these instruments,” said His Grace Tambala making it clear he had said this as a matter of responsibility as leader of the local church adding “And again, the choir helps us all pray during mass. As such, the choir must lead with hymns that are known by all, so that everyone joins in”.
Tambala observed that this is the case in countries such as Uganda and Kenya where African traditional music equipment and dressing is conspicuously prominent during Catholic mass.

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