Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Brief Legacy of Bishop Kalilombe

Brief Legacy of Bishop Kalilombe




My sincere and heartfelt condolences to the Apostolic Nuncio in Malawi and Zambia, Bishops of Malawi, AMECEA, SECAM, the Relatives and bereaved family, and the entire Church of Malawi, following the passing on of our Beloved  Bishop, Rt. Rev. Patrick Kalilombe, who passed on on Monday, 24th. August, 2012. We shall be united in prayers so that the Loving and Merciful God may grant him eternal peace in His Kingdom. May the Almighty Lord console and strengthen all of us during this sad and painful moment. “For, to me life is Christ, and death is gain.” (Phil.1:21)


Upon hearing the passing on of our Dear and Beloved Bishop, I thought of writing some insightful  reflection and testimony as a way of expressing respect and profound appreciation for his great pastoral and academic contributions made  to the Church and Society of Malawi, AMECEA, SECAM and beyond.

In considering the leadership, pastoral, shepherding, theological, academic and philanthropic legacies, Bishop Patrick Kalilombe’s thought and life experiences were very informative, transformative, prophetic, influential, and multi-faceted. He is indeed considered by many scholars and people of wide repute in Africa and beyond as ” one of the greatest African theologians and scholar of the contemporary times.” I knew the late Bishop personally; I worked with him in some academic and theological circles. I explored and reviewed his theological research methods. I read some of his master-piece theological writings and publications. I listened to his professional presentations on different themes about the Church, Society, African Traditional Religion, Culture, Socio-economic and Political matrix, etc., at various local, regional and international fora. Furthermore, after listening to views and comments of many scholars and people in Malawi and beyond,  I can humbly attest to the credibility of this Legacy.

The Legacy of Rt. Rev. Patrick Kalilombe is very wide and so not exhaustive. I would like to mention briefly some of his objective contribution to the Church and Society at all levels which are life-long testimony, orthodox and pragmatic to his Legacy:

1. He was a brilliant and great personality with clear Christian conviction, vision, mission, mediation and leadership qualities. (He was the Rector of Kachebere Major Seminary: Pholosophicum and Theologicum: 1968- 1972)

2. He was a committed, prophetic, visionary and missionay shepherd (Local Ordinary of Lilongwe Catholic Diocese: 1972-1976)

3. He was great biblical scholar. He defended and promoted Christian biblical orthodoxy against internal and external heresies and non-Catholic doctrines. He wrote a book: “Baibulo Nchiyani kwa Ife?” (What Is The Bible For Us?”)

4. He was a Pastoral strategist, championing the implementation of Small Christian Communities as a way of implementing Vatican II (1962-1965) in Africa. This was presented at the 1973-1975 Lilongwe Diocesan Mini-Synod.

5. He was a refined theologian of Ecumenism Inter-religious Dialogue and Liberation. In 1982 -1987, he was the Executive Director of the Ecumenical Centre for Black and White Christian Partnership at Selly Oak Colleges in Birmingham, England.

6. He was a quality and excellent Researcher and University Don of all season (He published many books and numerous articles in his areas of specialization. His outstanding literature include: “From Outstation to Small Christian Communities” (Spearhead – Eldoret, 1984) and “Doing Theology at the Grassroots: Theological Essays from Malawi” (Mambo Press, 1999). He lectured at Selly Oak Colleges and Chancellor College, University of Malawi.

7. He was a great African theologian of Inculturation and Pastoral theologian of ‘Humana Africana’. (On 11th November 2010, the Association of African Catholic Theologians awarded him and three others the first Pan-African theological recognition for their contribution of contextual theology to Church and Society in Africa, at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, in Nairobi, Kenya. Others recipient distinguished professors were: Charles Nyamiti of Tanzania, Bishop Tshibangu of DRC, and Archbishop T.Sanon of Benin.

8. When he did his missionary work outside Malawi for many years, he is known for his famous motto “In the footsteps of the Incarnate and Missionary Christ”. Some of   wonderful theological reflections are based on this Christological theme.

9. The AMECEA church in general and CUEA (Catholic University of Eastern Africa) in particular will always remember, Rt. Rev. Bishop Patick Kalilombe for his initial involvement in the establishment of this magnificent, regional Catholic Tertiary Institution. In 1975, he was commissioned by SECAM to head a committee to initiate the establishment of CHIEA (now CUEA) for the English Speaking Africa.

10. He mentored many African theologians in Malawi, Africa and beyond. In 1986-1989, he was the Adviser to then Commission of Malawian Catholic Theologians. His resourceful theological advise helped in the transformation of small christian communities in Malawi.

11.In November 2011, a group of Malawian and other international scholars and theologians had embarked on a project called ” Festschrift in Honour  of Bishop Patrick  Kalilombe” to recognize and celebrate the 40 years of great scholarly contribution and positive pastoral work to Malawi, Africa and beyond. The project is coordinated   by Professor Augustine Musopole. The passing on of the bishop will make the project have a unique value in his Legacy.

12.He will be remembered as a very intelligent, visionary,  good, charitable, friendly, mentor, merciful, helpful, humble, humurous, counsellor, persevering, philanthropic, champion of deeper evangelization and wholistic development,  down to earth (grassrooted) person, a person for all contexts, a person for all people, and a person for all.

Although Rt. Rev. Patrick Kalilombe has passed on to the Kingdom of God, he will continue to pray, to preach, to speak, to counsel, to shepherd, to catechize, to educate, to theologize, to socialize, to model, to encourage, to journey, to care and to live with us always. This is his LEGACY.

“Blessed are those who have died in the Lord.
Let them rest from their labors for their good deeds go with them…
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him, O Lord. Amen”

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