Episcopal Conference of Malawi




By Dementia Banda

The National Youth Chaplain, Fr Valerian Mtseka has urged the Young Christin students (YCS) from different Colleges and Universities in Malawi to reach out YCS movement in Secondary schools all over.

Fr Mtseka made his remarks on Saturday 11 December 2021 during National conference of YCS Movement held at Nantipwiri Conference Center in Thyolo district.

“YCS is trying to avoid wrong doings perpetrated by the youths who seek shortcuts to survival, a lot of young girls and boys lack the principles and life skills hence they easily give up in life. That’s why we have decided to send you (Youths) who are vibrant than those in secondary schools. The secondary schools have the hunger to understand the importance of serving God. Through serving God the secondary school youths are more prepared to face the world with strong faith so as not to be influenced by the evils of the world that destroys them” said Fr Mtseka.

The Young Christian Student from different Universities in Malawi have expressed their commitment to supporting the activities of Young Christian Students (YCS) in both Catholic and Government secondary schools in Malawi among others by providing spiritual orientation to them
According to Interim National YCS President, Lustica Simango, young Christian students in secondary schools need to understand Christian values, which the church is seeking to revive through YCS movement whose moto is “See-Judge-reflect, Act”.

Simango said YCS is supposed to draw close Students to Christ and Christ to Students thereby changing the world for the better, as such revival of YCS movement in secondary schools through YCS inter- school conferences, visitations to the specific schools, hence YCS is on a mission of capacity training among many other activities.

“We believe that by reaching out to these young students, we will enhance their activeness thus also making them agents of the revival to their fellow schools. As a young Christian Student, I have come to realize that there is no way, one can appreciate, value and strengthen something they don’t know or understand. That is why it is vital that these students are deeply exposed to the different YCS books, talks, other vital YCS programs as well as fully involving them in our activities at all levels so as to develop in them a better understanding of what YCS is, understand what their role is as YCSers to their fellow students, their Society and the world at large,” said Simango

Mrs. Musonda Michelle who made her presentation on entrepreneurship with the aim of empowering the youths, encouraged the young Christian students to be independent by trying different kinds of businesses.
“Economic downturn amidst the Covid -19 variants is another punch in the face that everyone including youths are facing. The youths are facing numerous challenges in order to empower themselves. I urge you all to remove that mentality of waitBing for someone to give you something to do after school, you should not think within a confided framework that locks your human boundaries for self-actualization but rather do something that will keep you going as you search for your gold medal, no matter how little, she said.

Frank Kaliati YCS Chairperson from University of Malawi said the conference is a transformation agent that has helped him a lot and he is going to put into practice what he has learnt. Among other things Kaliati said “he has realized the need to empower the youths of both sexes with much focus on the females especially the girls for they are the victims of various harassments such as rape and sexual intimidation which results into early pregnancies.

“The Honorable minster of gender, community development and social welfare Hon Patricia Kaliati elucidated on the importance of curbing gender-based issues. She eloquently articulated on girl empowerment who has been marginalized for so long. Personally, I realized the forms of gender-based violence not only physical but also psychological torture which females are exposed to in various sectors like homes. This does not outcast the male gender for she (Patricia Kaliati) also highlights the need of addressing the various forms of gender-based violence. Therefore, empowering both sexes will enable a balanced society with reduction of gender-based violence, said Kaliati

The National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies, Fr Vincent Mwakhwawa, taught the YCS Members that prayer is another fundamental aspect man cannot live without. He enlightened the importance of a prayer to the youths.

The National YCS Conference brings together Youth Chaplains from all the dioceses in Malawi, Matrons and Patrons from different secondary schools and colleges as well as the youths from different colleges who take part in Holy Mass, get an opportunity to interact with each other and discuss issues affecting the country

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