Episcopal Conference of Malawi




By Demetria Banda

The Legion of Mary has clocked 100 years since it was established in the whole world. The Centenary celebration here in Malawi has been launched today on 16 October 2021 at Maula Cathedral. The celebration will continue up to September 2022.

His Grace Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa in an interview with ECM Communications after Centenary Celebration of the Legion of Mary devotional group advised Members of the Legion of Mary to continue doing the work of God faithfully and with Joy
“It is a joyful moment today as we are celebrating 100 years of the establishment of Legion of Mary, we are very happy because the members of this group follow what Catholics are supposed to do. We urge them to continue being dedicated to follow Jesus Christ through their works of charity, life style and prayer, we also encourage them to follow their constitution and to be participators in developmental activities of the Church, “said Archbishop Msusa
Msusa further encouraged Members of the Legion of Mary to continue being the apostles of Christ and persuade more people in the Catholic to join them
“I would like to encourage the Members of the Legion of Mary to continue being the apostles of Christ and preach the good news through their example of life, they should also encourage the youth to join them. The Members of the Legion of Mary should not be satisfied with the numbers they have, we have been told that they are over 250 000 here in Malawi and about 10 000 000 in the whole world, this number is very minimal compared to the population of the world hence the need to invite more people to join the group, “added Bishop Msusa.
In her speech, President of the Legion of Mary for Maula Senatus, Dr Mary Shawa encouraged all Christians to engage the youth and men to join Legion of Mary and other devotional groups
“For one to deepen his or her faith in Prayer, has to join one or two devotional groups, Legion of Mary was started by a man 100 years ago but it’s surprising that it is dominated by women, I therefore appeal to all Christians especially Men and the youth to join Legion of Mary so that we serve together as Christians of one family during this centenary period.,” said Shawa

Dr Shawa further said the Legion of Mary does a lot of work for the Church which includes praying for the betterment of the Church.

Dr Shawa also expressed her satisfaction with how the whole function come to pass saying it was because of the good coordination that was there between Bishops, Priests, Sisters and all Christians and later encouraged everyone to maintain the spirit of Unity.

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