Episcopal Conference of Malawi




Cadecom distributes bicycles for climate change advocacy

Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (Cadecom) national office programs coordinator Aaron Kandiwo Mtaya has observed that Malawi has the potential to adapt as well as mitigate effects of climate change if communities are empowered to advocate for the cause.

Mtaya made the observation on Tuesday in Zomba when the organization distributed bicycles to climate change advocacy committees from group village heads (GVHs) Kathebwe, Magoli and Chaweza.

He said the bicycles centers on easing mobility challenges the advocates may face as the Climate Challenge Program Malawi (CCPM) which was initiated in the area three years ago has come to completion.

“The time is ripe and nigh for us to sign out hence the provision of these push bikes to sustain them as they implement the project on their own,” he said.

In reaction, Kathebwe climate change advocacy committee member Alex James confessed that the three years of service has empowered the communities to be vigilant in climate change advocacy.

He cited an example that the project has strengthened them to ably demand climate change rights from duty bearers.

“The project has also increased our knowledge on responding to climate change effects like construction of strong houses that can withstand floods, smart agriculture among other integral skills,” he said.

Cadecom with support from Scottish Government through Trocaire has distributed about 68 bicycles in Chikwawa, Zomba, Machinga and Balaka where it has been implementing the CCPM program.

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