Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Diocese of Chikwawa hands over houses to flood survivor

Diocese of Chikwawa hands over houses to flood survivor


The diocese of Chikwawa, through its Social Services Directorate, and the pontifical mission societies, on Thursday 23 September 2021, handed over houses to flood survivors who lost their homes due to heavy rains and severe flooding in Nsanje parish, Nsanje district.

Having seen the plight of the people, the directorate together with the diocesan PMS collaborated with the National PMS office to solicit funds for construction of houses to some of the people who were severely affected by flooding.

Addressing the people gathered at the function, Fr Mathews Semba, who is the Director for Social Services in the diocese, welcomed traditional leaders, PMS team from all dioceses, beneficiaries and all present to the function. Expressing his word of thanks, Fr Semba thanked the donors for the assistance which has enabled the diocese of Chikwawa provide housing to the victims, majority of whom are the aged or have physical disability of some sort.

“we are also mindful of the role played by the national offices of the Social Service Directorate and the PMS, for your kind assistance both in sourcing the funds and implementation of this project.” Fr Semba concluded.

On his part, the National PMS Director, Fr Vincent Mwakhwawa, expressed thanks to God for having moved the hearts of the generous donors who assist various communities around the world when in need. He thanked PMS Chikwawa and the local Social Directorate for working tirelessly in implementing the project. “Let us also remember to pray for these donors so that God may continue to bless them as they keep on assisting various people in every kind of need” said Fr Mwakhwawa.

In his remarks, one of the beneficiaries expressed thanks to the Catholic Church for considering him to be one of the beneficiaries of this project.

This project has been made possible with funding from Missio Czech Republic to the tune of USD17500. The diocese accessed 13 million Kwacha which has been used to build these houses, each at a cost of 1.5 million kwacha. In total, nine houses are to be constructed, seven having been completed and occupied while two are under construction.

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