Episcopal Conference of Malawi


CCJP pens government on the need to fulfill political promises

CCJP pens government on the need to fulfill political promises

By: Stella Zulu


The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP), the governance arm of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has expressed concern over the government’s delay to deriver political promises made to Malawians which gave hope of improved governance for the common good.

CCJP has expressed the concern through a statement issued on the 8th of May, 2020 signed by the CCJP’s National Coordinator, Mr. Boniface Chibwana titled “Tonse government, fading hope amid governance lapses: where is the political promise?”.

In the statement, CCJP has expressed dismay on a number of issues which gives clear indication that the new government has lost direction and public trust and confidence especially of the youth on the government is fading.

“It is deplorable and disturbing that tendencies of nepotism in public appointments continue to thrive despite detestation from many quarters within the society. This iniquity only worsens social inequalities while debilitating against merit and the equalisation of opportunities for inclusive development. Corruption in government procurement processes continues to worsen with rent-seeking behaviour flourishing as the politically connected are reported to be benefiting from such corrupt acts” Reads part of the statement.

While appreciating the government’s effort to have new leadership at the country’s Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in the fight against corruption and improved and organized management of the Covid-19 pandemic by the Tonse Government , CCJP has said things like incessant wrangles among the Tonse Government political partners due to greed, poor handling of public interest issues  and partisan interests and Intra-party contestations and conflicts manifested in differing politically motivated policy positions and hate speech among political supporters are affecting the running of public affairs amid continued socio-economic hardships facing the majority of the people amid COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the statement, CCJP has called the government to a number of actions including that is should show decisive leadership and come up with public policies that will favour the poor of the poorest in the country, the Tonse Government should begin delivering on its promises to avoid losing people’s trust and confidence, the national political leadership should desist from nepotistic public appointment tendencies and cronyism and that the Tonse Government should practically demonstrate its concrete plans to support small scale businesses and the informal economic sector in order to improve the socio-economic welfare of Malawians and to improve the quality of governance which many people embraced

The Tonse government, led by President Lazarus Chakwera has ruled Malawi for a year now after being voted into power on the 23rd of June, 2020 in a rerun presidential election against incumbent Peter Mutharika.


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