Episcopal Conference of Malawi




The Catholic Development Commission for Lilongwe Archdiocese through the Rights Based Approach is working with communities from 30 sections in six Extension Planning Areas (EPAs) in order to enhance the communities’ resilience in the realization of their right to food and other needs within Sign of Hope project. The project is funded by German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope. CADECOM is engaging the 30 sections through different interventions under the categories of livestock, nutrition, forestry, farmer organisations (cooperatives and associations) and Village Savings Loans.

This is done through involvement of different actors to ensure that the communities realize the right to food and other needs, which is violated in most cases. It is in this regard that CADECOM- Lilongwe Archdiocese organised an Open Nutrition Day to display different food products locally made. The activity was primarily to teach members of the farmers’ field school how to process and add value to local foods and make meals with six groups of foods. Knowledge was also imparted in local communities on how to use their food for the benefit of their bodies and in the process reduce malnutrition cases within the area.

Commenting on the event, Senior Chief Mlonyeni gave a standing ovation for the club of Ayanakuya for being more active in all development activities of the area. He said to honour the club’s hard work, he has managed to give land to the club where they can create a ground for their meetings and even construct office space for themselves. Following this, he pleaded with CADECOM to help the club with construction materials for an office block. He assured the gathering that he will henceforth call for Area Development Committee meeting to encourage all group village heads and village heads to take up the initiative introduced by Ayanakuya club.

CADECOM expects that through such activities, community members will utilize the food processing techniques they have learnt to make nutritious meals in their homes which will reduce Malnutrition in the area.

The function took place at Senior Chief Mlonyeni’s Headquarters in Mchinji and was attended by five famers’ field school clubs namely Tiwonge, Tsogolo, Mwayi, Chigwirizano and Ayanakuya as the host. Senor Chief Mlonyeni, Senor GVH Mlonyeni and other village heads around the area as well as the District nutritional officer graced the event.



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