Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Archbishop Ziyaye conferred with pallium

Archbishop Ziyaye conferred with pallium

By Mary Makhiringa

DSCN7024The Arch Bishop of the Arch Diocese of Lilongwe His Grace Tarcizio Ziyaye on Thursday was accorded with pallium a sign of authority to rule as an Arch Bishop.

The presentation was done during an opening mass of the Association of Members Episcopal Conference in Eastern Africa (AMECIA) at Civo Stadium in the Capital City.

Making the presentation of the pallium to his grace ArchBishop Ziyaye, His Eminence John Cardinal Njue of the Arch Diocese of Nairobi, Kenya said Ziyaye ought to have the Pallium in June when he was chosen by the Holy Father Pope Francis as the arch Bishop of the Arch Diocese of Lilongwe.

“Upon being chosen as the Arch Bishop of the Arch Diocese of Lilongwe, Bishop Ziyaye was supposed to be conferred with the Pallium in June by the Holy Father Pope Francis in Rome.
“But due to other engagements that his lordship had, he failed to go to Rome and asked to receive the barium today at this auspicious occasion,” explained Njue.

Speaking after being conferred with the Pallium, Ziyaye expressed joy and promised to be obedient to St. Peters and the Pope.

Said Ziyaye; “I am so delighted to receive this barium as a symbol of authority and readership to be an Arch Bishop of the Arch Bishop of Lilongwe Arch Diocese, after my predecessor Bishop Remi Ste- Marie retired.

“As I have been conferred with this Pallium, I will be faithful to St. Peters who is our holy father so that in whatever I do I should be guided by him.”
Ziyaye was first Arch Bishop of Blantyre Arch Diocese and was later promoted to be the Metropolitan Bishop of Lilongwe Arch Diocese.

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