Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Year of Mercy: Catholic MPs hold Weekend Recollection

Year of Mercy: Catholic MPs hold Weekend Recollection

Catholic MPs making a donation to an Orphanage as part of activities for the Year of Mercy-File Footage by ECM
Catholic MPs making a donation to an Orphanage as part of activities for the Year of Mercy-File Footage by ECM
By Prince Henderson
Catholic Members of Parliament in Malawi last week joined the worldwide Catholic Community in celebrating the Year of Mercy by conducting a weekend recollection at St John of the Cross-Nyungwe Prayer Centre in Chiradzulu; Archdiocese of Blantyre.

The Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Officer at the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), Fr. Henry Chinkanda said the weekend recollection was held under the theme: Celebrating the Year of Mercy as Politicians.

Three Priests; Fr. Chinkanda, Fr. Francis Tambala from the Archdiocese of Blantyre and Nyungwe Prayer Centre Director, Fr. Paul Nampota offered spiritual reflections to the Parliamentarians.
Fr. Tambala stressed on the need for Christian Politicians to radiate Christ during this Year of Mercy.

“The citizenry should see Christ’s mercy radiating in Politicians by being approachable, honest, trustworthy, close to the people while exercising leadership with integrity, humility and a sense of patriotism,” said Fr. Tambala.

Elsewhere Fr. Nampota called on the Politicians to create space for Christ’s mercy as we read on Luke 6: 47.

He observed that it was important that Christian Politicians look at the real life situation of the people they serve through the merciful lenses of the eyes of Christ.

Taking his turn, Fr. Chinkanda invited the MPs to grow in Christian virtues as the anchor of works of charity by Politicians during the Year of Mercy.

“Both the theological and cardinal human virtues are the foundation and anchor of Christian moral activity that animate the Christian life and give it its special character of mercy. To be a good Christian as a Politician is to be a bridge of dialogue, love and reconciliation as a result of being merciful. Resentment breeds hatred and hatred breeds death,” said Fr. Chinkanda.

While quoting the Biblical, Fr. Chinkanda challenged the Parliamentarians to “Be compassionate just as the Heavenly Father is compassionate.” (Luke 6: 36.)

He also added on to say “Blessed are the merciful because they shall have mercy shown them” (Mt. 5: 7).

He said a similar weekend recollection is expected to be held in Lilongwe before the Jubilee Year of Mercy ends on 20th November 2016 that happens to be the Solemnity of Christ the King and also the end of the Liturgical circle; year C.

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