Episcopal Conference of Malawi





The Congregation of the Holy Ghost Fathers popularly known as the Spiritans, last Saturday the 2nd of October, 2021 celebrated 50 years of existence in Malawi.

At the grand ceremony, which took place at Holy Ghost Parish, Ndirande, in the Archdiocese of Blantyre, head of the Catholic Church in Malawi whom also heads Blantyre Archdiocese, His Grace Thomas Luke Msusa ordained seven Deacons to become priests.

History has it that in 1971, late Bishop James Chiona of the Archdiocese of Blantyre invited the Holy Ghost Fathers to Malawi so that they help meet increasing number of Christians then.

In his speech, General superior of the Holy Ghost Fathers in the country Reverend Father Damiano Gabriel hailed good working relationship between their Congregation and the Archdiocese which he said has so far made the Congregation possible to establish about three parishes, two communities and produce 30 local priests who are scattered across the world on missionary work.

Father Gabriel further advised the newly ordained priests to wholeheartedly keep their religious profession vows and represent the Congregation and Malawi at large better wherever they will work.

On his part, the Episcopal Conference of Malawi President who is also the Archbishop for metropolitan of Blantyre, His Grace Thomas Luke Msusa described the Congregation’s 50 years as well lived, successful sign of maturity. He however requested the Congregation not to get satisfied but they should go flat out to remote areas of the country so as to preach Jesus to as many people as possible saying “much as the Church is trying the best especially in towns, there are many people particularly in rural areas that are in need of Pastors to preach Jesus Christ”. The Archbishop has since promised to handover one diocesan parish of the Archdiocese of Blantyre to the Holy Ghost Fathers to run.

Currently, the Holy Ghost Fathers are found in three parishes of Ndirande and Thunga in the Archdiocese of Blantyre and Mtendere in Dedza Diocese. They also have communities at Inter Congregation Institute in Balaka,Retreat Centre in Dedza and Nantipwiri at Bvumbwe in Thyolo .

The Ordination of the seven new priests namely Fathers Rodney Thomu from Thunga parish, Petros Donasiyano from Ndirande Parish, Precious Nihorowa from Muloza Parish, Christopher Ndala from Nkhwayi Parish, Eliaza Mulemba from Lisanjala parish, Edwin Spilli from Chingazi parish and Nyson Mmali from Neno parish brings the total number of Malawian priests to 30 and are serving in Malawi and in other countries across the world.

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