Episcopal Conference of Malawi




The Catholic Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi have issued a Pastoral Letter reflecting the pathetic state of affairs in the Country.
In the Letter, the Bishops have lamented fruitless engagements with the State President, the rampant rise of corruption, empty words in curtailing unnecessary expenditure, nepotism, and infringement on the right to free press.
 “We are disturbed by the lingering rumor that there are plans to hurridly change the 50% +1 electoral system, the wise thing to do is to take it off the table right away”. Highlight the Shepherds
The Bishops have, therefore, warned the Tonse Alliance government that instead of issuing new promises, they must work on the many promises that are in Limbo; “The affordable inputs Programme has become a Joke, targeting only a handful of people. Where is the fertilizer to be bought at MK4, 955 per bag?” Wondered the bishops.
The bishops went on to highlight corruption in the Judiciary, victimization of Elderly people on the accusation of practicing Witchcraft, respect and Care for creation, Intraparty squabbling, religious intolerance, and violence as indications that Malawi is arriving at ‘Bagamoyo’ ( a place of no hope) than the promised land.

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