Episcopal Conference of Malawi


TERMS OF REFERENCE: Baseline Study for A Plus Successor Program

TERMS OF REFERENCE: Baseline Study for A Plus Successor Program


Malawi has continued to face serious livelihood challenges due to effects of climate change and economic recession contributed by multifaceted factors. The Episcopal Conference of Malawi, through its development arm, the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) also referred to as Caritas Malawi, has overtime complemented efforts by the Government of Malawi to help improve livelihoods through sustainable interventions with support from Various partners. For over fifty years, Caritas Australia (CA) has been supporting CADECOM and other partners to implement projects in the most marginalized and remote communities, to challenge poverty and inequality. With continued efforts, CA notes that the context keeps on changing introducing new challenges along the way and that communities are faced with a world in which conflict, displacement, extreme weather and diseases are increasingly common. CA’s Strategic Direction is intended to build on existing strengths, successes and learning from its previous Strategic Plan to promote agility and resilience to disasters and the changing environment.  Caritas Australia has four strategic goals namely: All people, especially women, are supported to lead their development and thrive; All people, especially the most marginalised, experience wellbeing and live in safe, just societies; A common home where all people are resilient and achieve sustainable livelihoods and ecological justice; and Communities affected by conflict and disasters can meet their immediate needs, and recover and build back stronger from crises. Through its support, CA aims to ensure that all programs feed into these strategic goals.

Caritas Australia has supported CADECOM in Malawi to implement the DFAT-funded ACES Program since July 2012. The program covered 4 Dioceses and was extended in 2016 for a period of 6 years as the A+ program. The A+ program has made positive impact on livelihood improvements, food security, WASH and cross cutting components of gender inclusiveness and persons with disability. Following the successful implementation of the A+ project, a successor program was recommended to build on the achieved gains. The A+ successor program will run for five years from 2023 to 2028. The program’s overall goal is to improve livelihoods of the communities including vulnerable people, in particular (girls, women, PLWD, children, youths, elderly and chronically ill people) and their resilience to climate crises and shocks in the districts of Dedza, Mwanza and Rumphi. The project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

Project Objectives:

  1. Improvement in the food and nutritional security in over 90% of the population in the target communities by the end of the project period.
  2. Increase in the cash income and assets in over 90% of the population in the target communities.
  3. Reduction in water borne diseases in over 90% of population in the target communities and increase time saving in collecting drinking water by end of the project period.
  4. Improvement in dignity, respect, self-esteem, and happiness in over 90% people in the target communities.
  5. Improvement in community resilience against climate related disasters and shocks.


CADECOM seeks to recruit a qualified consulting firm or individuals to conduct a baseline study that should form a basis for outcome and impact evaluations in future such as mid-term and final evaluation and other sectoral studies. The study also should help inform the further development and implementation of the A+ successor project.


Objective/Purpose of the Baseline Survey

The overall objective of the baseline study is to generate information that should inform on the current context and determine benchmark values on key project performance indicators that should enable comparative analysis in future to determine the impact of the project. Specifically, the baseline study should:

  • Establish benchmark values (before project values) on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) listed in the Project MEL-Framework.
  • Re-affirm the relevance of the interventions in the project sites.
  • Assess the adequacy and comprehensiveness of the projects monitoring and evaluation framework and indicators.
  • Review project indicators of success and recommend any other that can help better measure the project’s impact
  • Review the Project monitoring tools that have been designed by the project MEAL team and make recommendations for improvement.
  • Assess gender and other cross-cutting issues in the design of the project and recommend ways of ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the interventions.

Scope of the Assignment

The baseline study needs to be conducted in all 4 project districts within the selected dioceses. The study should cover all the objectives, outcomes of the A+ Successor Project and set/agreed project monitoring and evaluation indicators. The study should for a basis for the midterm, final evaluation primarily and other future studies secondarily.

The consultant(s) are expected to carry out a desk review of the A+ Project Design Documents and relevant predecessor projects and national level policies and strategies that will help shape the proposed the project intervention and ensure that it contributes to the national social development agenda. They are also expected to undertake data collection at potential project communities and have meetings and discussions with relevant stakeholders.

The Key activities of the baseline study should include the following, but not limited to:

  1. Conduct a desk review of relevant literature including project design documents (proposal, monitoring and evaluation framework and tools designed for data collection) and other secondary data deemed informative by the consultant
  2. Develop a comprehensive inception report with a detailed study methodology including sampling design on how the consultant intends to carry out the assignment including a detailed work plan and baseline person power plan.
  3. Recruit and train enumerators to support the baseline study data collection.
  4. Identify areas of collaboration with public and private stakeholders at national, district and community levels
  5. Field Report within a week of completing the field data collection from project districts and communities.
  6. Develop a draft baseline study report that should be submitted to CADECOM for review and assessment of adequacy and quality
  7. Incorporate Feedback and inputs from CADECOM and its stakeholders including Caritas Australia and finalize the baseline Study report.
  8. Submit a final baseline Study report to CADECOM.


The Evaluation task must be undertaken by an external consultant/contractor between November and December of 2023. The following table is indicative of the number of days needed for the baseline Study related sub-task activities. A detailed baseline study plan will be developed once the contract is awarded to an external consultant. This will include the communities to be visited and the stakeholders to be consulted.

Sub-tasks Time Frame Remarks
Baseline Study Inception Report (that includes developing the study methods, design and desk Assessment). 5 days The baseline study design with methods, sampling and field data collection design/ techniques and elaborated the study activities/exercise plan will be submitted to CADECOM and fine-tuned as needed.
Field Visit and stakeholders’ consultation 10-16 days At least 2 project communities in each program diocese and relevant stakeholders.
Data Analysis and sense making 3-5 days Goes together with field visit (by field team and/or support team in distance).
Interim Report (Field Report) and share Preliminary Findings. 2 days The preliminary findings will be shared with CADECOM through online or face-to-face meetings.
Final Report (Draft) and share major finding/summary report. 5 days The Final Report (draft) will be shared with CADECOM through online or face-to-face meetings/workshops.


Comment Incorporation and Final Report 2 days Final Report delivered through email and hard copy.
Total: 24-30 days.

Expected Deliverables:

The following are the key expected deliverables from the consultant.

  • Finalized Baseline Study Inception Report: It should include study method, sampling design, study questionnaire, data Sources, Techniques and Tools. This also includes finalized study work-plan including staff list and their mobilization plan.
  • Team mobilization and field data collection work (staff and volunteers’ attendance for the days of their work).
  • Interim Report and validation workshop with staff and relevant stakeholders at suitable central place.
  • Baseline Study Report (Final Draft) for review by identified reviewers.
  • Baseline Study Report (Final) after incorporating comments. (no more than 50 pages excluding appendices).

Baseline Study Report Audience:

Primary Audience:

  • CADECOM, Malawi.

Secondary Audience:

  • Caritas Australia
  • Downstream partner agencies, and project participants that include local community agencies.

As appropriate, the evaluation reports &/or executive summaries will also be made available to:

  • DFAT, Australia
  • Project Local Governments.
  • Caritas Australia supporters.

Qualifications of the consultants

The preferred should possess the following attributes:

  • At least a Master’s Degree in development studies, Agriculture Economics. Or other related fields. A multi-sectorial team with members in WASH, Agricultural Economics or Development studies is encouraged.
  • At least five years of provable experience in conducting baseline studies in livelihood, WASH, Gender and development and resilience programming.
  • Proven track record of conducting similar assignments (at least 2 successful assignments in similar projects in past) with at least two referees.
  • Have extensive knowledge of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) theories and practices.
  • Have demonstrated experience of undertaking baseline study for international development programs using quantitative and qualitative methods and participatory methodologies.
  • Understand the historical, political, social, and cultural context of the country where the project/program is implemented.
  • Can respectfully and effectively communicate with diverse groups of people.
  • Have Strong interpersonal and facilitation skills, and cultural and gender, Safeguarding/Social Protection/CPP sensitivity in working with local communities and a range of stakeholders.


  • A cover letter briefly outlining relevant experience with this type of Study (2-pages).
  • A Curriculum Vitae with two references.
  • Example of a relevant piece of written work in past (e.g., 1-2 pieces of baseline study report).
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further steps in the recruitment process.
  • Proposals are to be submitted not later than 17th November, 2023 at midnight. Submissions are to be made via email to the following address:

The Secretary General

Episcopal Conference of Malawi–Chimutu Road, Area 11

P.O. Box 30384

Lilongwe 3.

Email: ecm@ecmmw.org


All late submissions are to be disqualified.

Budget range: Mk9,000,000-Mk11,000,000

Note: CADECOM is an inclusive organization and abides by its safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults’ policy. All contracted individuals/organizations will be requested to sign a code of conduct that will ensure protection and safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults prior to the implementation of the assignment.


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