Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Reflecting on October as World Mission Month

Reflecting on October as World Mission Month

……….as Catholics pray the rosary

A Malawian Priest doing Missionary work in the Village
A Malawian Priest doing Missionary work in the Village


The month of October is a Missionary month: Inside the month, Catholics world-over celebrate World Mission Sunday and Catholic Christians are encouraged to pray Holy Rosary daily. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith which is under the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) is the one mandated to promote activities within the month.

The meaning of the World Mission Month

According to the national director for PMS Malawi, Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa, Jesus Christ mandate us, to preach the Gospel “Go and proclaim the Gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:15, Mathew 28:19).

He says the Gospel is preached in different ways like: preaching or proclaiming the Word of God, life-witness, celebration of the liturgy, catechisis, inculturation, bringing justice and peace and social human development.

“In this month of October, the Catholic Church gives time for all the baptized to reflect on how they are fulfilling their obligation in preaching the Gospel to the whole world through prayers, Christian services and financial assistance. It is also a time for each Christian to thank God for the gift of faith and then pray for others who do not have faith or who have a weak faith to believe in the Gospel of salvation,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

World Mission Month (October),World Mission Sunday

Fr. Mwakhwawa said the Church has set aside the month of October as a mission Month so that the Church has the time for serious teach and remind Christians on their role to cooperate with Christ in ensuring the gospel reached all corners of the earth. He also added that the Mission Month is a preparation for the celebration of World Mission Sunday.

According to Fr. Mwakhwawa,World Mission Sunday is a special Sunday that every Catholic in the whole world prays and contributes money for work of the Church in preaching the Gospel of salvation of the whole world.

“Here in Malawi, we will celebrate this World Mission Sunday on 16th October at Nsanje Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Chikwawa. This is a special day of prayer and collection of money for the mission of the Church in the whole world. The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world – beyond the borders, especially where the people have not heard the good news of salvation and where the Church in young, “he said.

Among others, Fr. Mwakhwawa said on World Mission Sunday which was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1922, the Church wants to renew the Pentecost experience which initiated the mission of the apostle to people of other nations. The Church celebrates the gift of the missionary spirit in its members (the laity, clergy and religious) and at the same time prays for the growth of this same spirit because the work is huge and the vineyard is vast.

He says,the Church wants to live and encourage the growth of this spirit which filled the early Christians who were gathering together; sharing the world of God; breaking the Bread; and putting their material things together for the salvation of many (Acts 2:42-47).

Uses of the World Mission Sunday Money

The World Mission Sunday collections which are collected in all Catholic communities in the whole world are put together and then shared to all countries in need of support for proclamation of the good news. The support is called missionary subsidy and is used for various missionary developments in the Catholic Church which among others include building church, hospitals, schools, houses for Priests, Brothers and Sisters, buying religious and spiritual materials to be used by those who cannot afford because of their poor economic or social conditions.

“The collections on World Mission Sunday are a sign of faith in action, sharing the faith through monetary gifts so that the good news can be preached to those who have not heard it. This collection is a sacrifice of faith which Christians so that the world can be a better place with Gospel values,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

The Connection between World Mission Month and Rosary Month

In the Mission month, Catholics are encouraged to pray the Rosary as often as they can in the families, Small Christian Communities, Parishes and in their private time as individuals with the intentions of praying for the mission work of the Church for the salvation of the whole world.

The aim of this rosary is to ask for the intercession of our Mother Mary to her Son, our Lord and only savior Jesus Christ, to continue pouring his graces in the world and especially in the hearts of the faithful, so that they can burn with the fire of missionary zeal for the salvation of the world.

Mother Mary, who is Queen of Evangelization, has in the history of the Church played visible-significant roles in interceding for the world. One example, among so many, is in 1571 Pope Pius V asked all Christians to pray the Rosary so that Mother Mary should intercede for the Christian kingdom of Europe not to be conquered by the pagan enemies who were well-equipped.

On 7 October 1571 at the battle of Lepanto, the pagan enemies were conquered and the Christian Kingdom of Europe was saved from destruction. Pope Pius V declared that 7 October be a day for Our Lady of Rosary (a day of Holy Rosary) and that October be dedicated to pray the Rosary for the growth and protection of Christian Kingdom in the whole world.

Message of Pope Francis for World Mission Day, 2016

Pope Francis in his message titled “Missionary Church, Witness of Mercy” centers on the missionary activities done by the Church as true visible signs of God’s mercy. All that the Church does in taking care of the spiritual and bodily life of people on earth is a witness of Mercy.

This witness comes from the joyful encounter with Jesus Christ. Thus, he calls upon all to open up their hearts to Jesus Christ and then to the needs of other people (other communities). He encourages Christians not close their hearts to the needs of the Church and the whole human race. Therefore, prayers and contributions on the World Mission Sunday should be approached with an open heart of faith-sharing with others who need salvation.

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