Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Pope Francis Message on Malawi Floods

Pope Francis Message on Malawi Floods

An extract of a message of His Holiness Pope Francis on the tragic consequences of heavy rains in Malawi from Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State.

His Holiness Pope Francis, informed of the tragic consequences of the heavy rains in Malawi, has asked me to convey his close and solidarity to you and the Catholic faithful, and all beloved people of Malawi. He assures you of his prayers for the victims, their families and all affected by this catastrophe. The Holy Father invokes God’s blessings of strength and perseverance upon those engaged in the massive work of relief, and he expresses his fervent hope that the international community will respond generously and effectively to the needs of the suffering. To all, as a pledge of hope and peace in the Lord, he sends his blessing.


Download Full Statement here

One thought on “Pope Francis Message on Malawi Floods

  1. Bwenzi wabwino amawoneka mnthawi yamavuto. Amakondwera ndiokondwera, nalira ndi olira. Zikomo Apapa chifukwa chotilimbitsa mtima.

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