Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Pilgrimage to Martyrs of Uganda – Namugogo Shrine

Pilgrimage to Martyrs of Uganda – Namugogo Shrine


9th January, 2014

Pilgrimage to Martyrs of Uganda – Namugogo Shrine

Once again on behalf of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi and indeed on my own behalf I would like to announce the fourth pilgrimage to Martyrs of Uganda, Namugogo Shrine on 3rd June, 2014

As I have been communicating in the past, on 3rd June every year we celebrate the Feast of the Martyrs of Uganda. This is a big day for us Catholics. It is a day when we remember the Christians who gave their lives for the sake of Christ. On this day Christians and non Christians from all over Africa and beyond join each other in prayer. This year’s celebration is unique and its uniqueness lies in that it marks 50 years since Pope Paul VI canonizes the 22 people as martyrs. This will be our celebration. You may agree with me that there are so many of us who are named after the martyrs of Uganda. So many churches in Malawi are named after the Martyrs of Uganda. As a church or individual you may consider sponsoring someone to go and be part of the celebration.

We will have two travel options that is, by road and by air. Those travelling by road will depart from Malawi on the 27th of May and return on the 8th of June, 2014. While those travelling by air will leave on 30th May and come back home on 5th June, 2014. The cost of air ticket and other expenses is $1,039 = K447,940.00. Those travelling by road the total cost is $450 = K210,000.00.

I hereby call upon people who are interested to join this pilgrimage to either submit their names to the Secretary General, Episcopal Conference of Malawi, P.O. Box 30384, CapitalCity, Lilongwe 3. Email ecm@ecmmw.org or Bishop Stima, Archdiocese of Blantyre, P.O. Box 385, Blantyre. Email stima@globemw.net or start depositing their money towards the journey to our account “Catholics Pilgrimage to Uganda” at National Bank of Malawi, Customs Road Service Centre, Account Number 3817954 and forward copies of the deposit slips to the Chairman of Secretary, Friends of Namugogo, c/o Bishop Stima, PO Box 385, Blantyre or contact them direct on 0999514061 Spencer J. Chimaliro or Cecilia Kasambara on 0888860253 for more details. This communication has come early because we want to have enough time for preparations.

We therefore call for the assistance of the Parish Priests and Church Councils to make frequent announcements in all our Parishes and Churches immediately this letter is received.

I look forward to your favourable response to this invitation.

Yours in Christ

Montfort Stima
Archdiocesan Administrator – Archdiocese of Blantyre.

Press Release

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