Episcopal Conference of Malawi


MW Govt Welcome Pope Francis Encyclical… To Help Climate Change Mitigation

MW Govt Welcome Pope Francis Encyclical… To Help Climate Change Mitigation

IMG_9233An Encyclical ‘letter’ from Pope Francis ‘Laudato Si’ meaning ‘Praise God’ launched in Malawi, with positive welcome by Government as a document that complements efforts on climate change mitigation.

Speaking on Tuesday night at the launch that took place in Lilongwe, Bright Msaka, Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining who graced the occasion as guest of honor said “It is extremely fortunate that the Encyclical is moving extremely in tandem with government” plans, policies and actions on climate change.

“This is not one man’s effort we must collaborate in order to achieve the intended objective.” Said Msaka

“The Catholic Church has a very broad reach in Malawi. If this Encyclical is going to be read in all Catholic churches in Malawi and listened to by all the Catholics, then we will have a very critical mass there of Christians in the Catholics church supporting government effort to achieve the kind of actions we want to undertake.”

The Minister also assured that government is making positive strides on conservation and address issues of climate change conservation.

“This Government is doing everything it can to ensure that nature is preserved” said Msaka

“We would like to assure the nation that we will leave nothing undone to ensure that the environment is protected. We will reduce and eliminate green house gases and everything that is depleting ozone layer and that goes with it” he said.

Speaking on the Encyclical, Bishop Chairman for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, His Grace, Thomas Msusa said “Climate change is here” and that Pope Francis in his Encyclical, looks back what God did.

“Before creating human beings God created nature; trees, plants and other things and then human person was put in that creation.” Said Msusa.

“So Pope Francis as he looks back sees nature, and that the world is not as it was before. Pope Francis is concerned about the co-existence of human beings and nature. We are related with nature, we are part of nature. However, people are destroying the nature.” He said

“Pope Francis is urging us to take care of our natural resources and all what God created. He wants us to be responsible. He calls us to receive this message to look and think of climate change. It is there and we have to control it” urged ECM Bishop chairman

Archbishop Msusa further urged Malawians to take care of their natural resources, “Here in Malawi there is wanton cutting down of trees, burning of bushes unnecessarily. But let us replant trees, take care of our natural resources so that our future generation can also enjoy what God created”.

Some pictorial focus of the launch
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