Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Malawi Holy Land Pilgrims to Depart June 17

Malawi Holy Land Pilgrims to Depart June 17

By Francis Polinyu Banda, Catholic Journalist

Fr. Joseph KimuA group of 47 pilgrims is expected leave the country on June 17 2015, on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Israel, through Kamuzu International Airport KIA in Lilongwe.

According to Fr Joseph Kimu who is leading the group, preparations for the trip started way back in March this year, and all is set after all members have fulfilled payment of the required 900 thousand kwacha each, which is meant for transport, food and accommodation.

Father Kimu who is also the director of programs at Radio Maria Malawi challenged the people traveling on this pilgrimage to be prayerful.

“Intensify the daily prayers considering that this trip is not a tourism adventure but aimed at the deepening of faith,” he said.

On the same note Father Kimu requested the pilgrims to get at least two prayer petitions each to be dropped at the tomb of Jesus in the Holy Land.

He said that by going to the Holy Land, pilgrims would have a chance to see places of spiritual importance, where Jesus Christ performed various miracles memorable activities that are recorded in the Holy Bible.

Chairlady for the Central Committee of the trip Agnes Katsonga-Phiri called on fellow pilgrims to intensify prayers as they prepare for this journey of spiritual renewal.

Meanwhile, in a bid to ensure that members on this pilgrimage are well guided in their preparatory prayers, a small hand book of special intensive prayers for nine days (Novena) has been published.

The pilgrims will start observing these prayers from 8th to 16 June while the closing mass for the pilgrimage preparatory prayers will be held at St. Patrick’s parish in the morning of 17th June 2015 in Lilongwe.

Among the pilgrims are five priests and one nun who will have a chance to see holy places such as Cana of Galilee where Jesus Christ performed His first miracle according to the Gospel of St John, Bethlehem, the mountain of temptations, the river Jordan where Jesus was baptised, the mountain of transfiguration, the house of Elizabeth visited by Mary, and the tomb of Jesus among others.

This is the third pilgrimage after the 2011 and 2012 respectively

One thought on “Malawi Holy Land Pilgrims to Depart June 17

  1. I wish them all the best.I beg you brothers and sisters in the Lord who are traveling to the Holy Land to pray for us sinners,in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy spirit Amen.

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