Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Let’s call for a referendum on abortion bill-Archbishop Msusa says

Let’s call for a referendum on abortion bill-Archbishop Msusa says


Chairman for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, His Grace Thomas Luke Msusa has challenged those that are pro-abortion and pro-life to give room for a referendum to take place in Malawi, so that the citizenry decides what is best for them as individuals and for the good of the society.

He said those that are for pro-abortion bill should not generalize that the majority is for abortion bill because Malawi as a God-fearing nation is against the bill.

Archbishop Msusa also categorically refutes that the Catholic Church in Malawi is particularly in support of the abortion bill as claimed by pro-abortion groups by saying that there was a representation of the Church in the special law commission when the bill was proposed.

He said as Catholic Bishops in Malawi, they already issued a Pastoral Statement in 2013 where, they consistent with the teachings of the universal Church, made their position very clear on abortion, homosexuality and population control.

“We note in particular that there are some worrisome trends in our democratization and emancipation that push for a worldview independent of and side-lining God, and making human beings dependent on their own intellect, determining for themselves what is right and what is wrong. We are saddened to read that religion should not regulate morals,” said Archbishop Msusa on Wednesday when he opened a two-day World Congress of Families for African Regional Conference in Lilongwe.

According to Archbishop Msusa, the recent campaign calling for termination of pregnancy or abortion law is contrary to the principle of human dignity and sanctity of life.

“We believe that life begins at conception; sacredness and sanctity of human life; both the mother and unborn child have the right to life and that all instances of direct abortions are a violation of the rights of the unborn because it is a willful killing of innocent life,” he said.

He said the mission and mandate of the Church is to protect and defend life hence the position of the Catholic Church has not changed. The Church cannot side with those agitating for the so-called sage abortion.

“Every human person is a social being and therefore, connected to others. Though every person is entitled to enjoy his/her individuality, he/she also has to be constantly sensitive to other people’s equal entitlements”. Said Archbishop Msusa who is also the Archbishop of Blantyre Archdiocese.

Earlier on Tuesday, President for the International Organization for the Families, Brian Brown told the press that the aim of the conference is to highlight the need to preserve the basic values of African Cultures, which follow the culture of life, and to resist the increasing secular influence in the world to follow the culture of death.

The theme for the conference which has attracted the academia, Clergy, Members of Parliament and the media among others is ‘The African Family and Cultural Colonization”.

Delegates have been drawn from all over Africa and the United States of America.

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