Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Holy Childhood Children donates assorted items to the needy

Holy Childhood Children donates assorted items to the needy

Missionary children have recently donated two wheel chairs, bicycle, clothes and other assorted items to the needy at Katengeza Village, Nathenje parish of the archdiocese of Lilongwe.

The donation was particularly funded by parents and children who followed the catechism lessons on Luntha Television on the Learn your faith program

Speaking during the donation ceremony, the national Pontifical mission societies, Rev Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa commended the donors especially the children, stressing that they demonstrated a unique spirit of missionary charity which is lacking among people in the societies. He urged all children to learn from the gesture shown by their fellow missionary children who decided to share with others the little they have.

“I am impressed with all the children who contributed; it shows that they are managing to live what they are learning about Catholic faith. The missionary children are taught and encouraged to live like Jesus Christ, by sharing love to those who are lacking. This gesture is an example of how a human being should be; especially children. I am therefore asking all children to have that sharing heart because this is living mission life. I also thank the parents who have contributed money and other things as they have fulfilled their missionary obligation of giving to those in need,” said Fr Mwakhwawa.

The chairman for the disabled in the area, Damiano Katengeza who has also received a bicycle expressed gratitude to the Catholic community for helping them and encouraged the children to do the same to others.

“I am very happy that you come to our rescue, now it will be easy for us to move from one place to another. It is not easy to live with a disability, we face a lot of challenges because there are a lot of things we wish to do but we can’t because we are disabled. I really thank the children and their parents who made it possible for us to gather here today.” said Katengeza

The representative for the well-wishers Mr. Tsinde Chibwana said it is very important for Christians to share what God has blessed them with as one way of thanking him for his abundant blessings upon them.

“When God has blessed you with a lot of things, it is always important to thank him by sharing with those who are less fortunate. This is what every Christian should do.” said Chibwana.

Parents for the two boys who received the wheelchairs did not hide their excitement that their children will now be able to move from one place to another.


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