Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Fr. Kathewera laid to rest

Fr. Kathewera laid to rest

Bishop KanyamaThousands of Catholic Faithful and other people of good will from all walks of life, Friday afternoon paid their last respect to a Lilongwe Archdiocese priest, Fr. Joseph Kathewera at Likuni Parish in Lilongwe.He died at Kamuzu Central Hospital on Thursday.

Before the remains of late Fr. Kathewera’s body were lowered into the grave yard at exactly 12:45 pm, His Grace Archbishop Remi Ste-Marie emeritus led all those that attended the funeral into a Holy Mass as the main celebrant alongside Dedza and Mangochi diocese Bishops , their Lordships Emmanuel Kanyama and Montfort Sitima respectively.
Catholic Women at the Graveyard
In his homely during the mass,Fr. Emmanuel Chikaya who was a class mate to late Fr. Kathewera described his friend as a hard worker who was dedicative and focused on his duties in all the times.

“I alongside my friends Fr. Augustine Katundu,Fr. Maxwell Kubalasa,Fr. Frank Phiri and Fr. Vincent Yepulani were ordained as priests together with later Fr. Kathewera and we have in all these years known our friend as a hard worker who strived to achieve better results in whatever he is doing. We will all miss him and may his soul rest in peace,” said Fr. Chikaya.

Speaking during condolence speeches, a representative from Late Kathewera’s family, Dickson Mumba described the demise of their relation as a shock and a big blow to the entire family.
He said late Fr. Kathewere has been supportive to his family as he was a spiritual and social pillar for all his family members and those closer to him.

“It was in the past fourteen years when all of us in the family were happy to present our relative (Late Fr. Kathewere) before the church. We jubilated then that one of us is becoming a priest but this is a different story today, we are all crying for our beloved relative, which is a sad situation indeed”, said Mumba.

Mumba said despite losing one of them, still more they have faith that God who offered a free life to Fr. Kathewere , the same God will receive his soul and lead him to internal peace.

He then thanked His Grace Archbishop Tracizio Ziyaye, priests from Lilongwe Archdiocese and the laity for the care and support they rendered to Fr. Mathewere during the time he was physical fit with them and at the time he felt sick.
Chairperson for the laity (Left) and  other members for church organisations
Taking his turn, Chairperson for the National laity council, Wilford Dodoli said the Catholic Church in the country will greatly miss the good works that Fr. Kathewera did in all the Parishes in Lilongwe served in Lilongwe Archdiocese.

Also adding his voice was a representative of the Association of Diocesan Clergy Catholic of Malawi (ADCCOM) Fr. Phillip Mbeta was said the demise of Fr. Kathewera is a loose and a minus to the little number of priests existing in the country.

“Every Bishop would like to have as many priests as possible. Priests helps the Bishop in spreading the Gospel of the Lord and when ever Bishop loses one of its Priest,its really a big blow to him as an individual and to the church as a whole,”said Fr. Mbeta

Late Fr. Kathewera was born on 11th July, 1970 and he was ordained as a priest on 12th August,2000.He has been to Ludzi,Mkanda,Salima Parishes and until his dealth,he was a Parish Priest for Mlale Parish in Lilongwe Archdioce.
Bishop Ste-Marie & Kanyama
He hailed from Matekwe Village in Dowa district.

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