Episcopal Conference of Malawi




“Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor” (Tob 4:7)

On 19th November, 2023, the Mother Church world-wide commemorated the seventh annual World Day of the Poor, which Pope Francis established in 2016. This year the chosen theme is; “Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor” (Tob 4:7). Pope Francis has reminded us that this day is a fruitful sign of the Father’s mercy and a support for the lives of our communities as it enables us to discover ever anew the heart of the Gospel. The theme itself, adds the Holy Father, helps us to understand the essence of our witness.

The national celebration in Malawi took place at Salanya out Church in Phalombe, under the jurisdiction of Mwanga parish in the archdiocese of Blantyre.

In his homily Msgr. Boniface Tamani appealed to all Catholics and people of good will in the Country and beyond to be concerned with the plight of the less privileged and join efforts to curb poverty. “It’s not enough to be sympathetic about poverty, we must do something tangible using our brains and God’s given resources to end this” said the Vicar General of Blantyre Archdiocese.

He challenged all Malawians to carry out an introspection and figure out what has induced the level poverty we are in. Cross-cutting the Gospel passage of the Day, the parable of the Hidden talent (Mathew 25:14-30) Msgr. Tamani highlighted other factors that have enhanced poverty in our society: Laziness and fear, structural injustice, corruption, politics of hand clapping and boot licking, tribalism and failure to utilize the resources at hand.

He went further to plead with Malawians that there are certain things that must be done right here and now; “Let’s use our brains wisely. We must care the environment so that it cares us”. He also emphasized the need to check over population which is exerting pressure on the environment and other resources. “Brothers and sisters in Christ gone are the days to bear dozens of children, we must have manageable families”. He concluded by encouraging the youth to take seriously their education as it is key to poverty eradication.

Speaking on behalf of the ECM social directorate, Brother Pascal Mtuwana encouraged echoed the chiefs of the area to lead by example in caring for the environment. He went further to challenge the people to demand from their leaders accountability on the public resources as this would be a catalyst to curb induced poverty.

The Episcopal conference of Malawi through CADECOM in partnership with Trocaire provide some items like maize seed, maize flour and other food items to the selected families and individuals as a gesture of solidarity with the less privileged.

Phalombe district was heavily devastated by the cyclone Freddy. Up to now roads, bridges and other infrastructures are yet to be rehabilitated which poses a great danger to the people as rains have just started.

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