Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Energy Minister applauds CADECOM, other stakeholders for supporting AEJ

Energy Minister applauds CADECOM, other stakeholders for supporting AEJ

award winners pose with the MinisterThe Minister of Energy, Mining and Environment, Atupere Muluzi has commended the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), a social development arm of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), among other stakeholders, for taking initiative in supporting the Association of Environmental Journalists in Malawi (AEJ) annual general meeting for 2014, which was held at Hotel Victoria in Blantyre.

Muluzi said CADECOM, United Nations Development Programs (UNDP), PUMA Energy and Candlex Limited have proved to be a true partner to the Association of Environmental Journalists who are crucial at this point and time in the society as they promote best practices of environmental care.

“Environmental Journalism is crucial to the development of this country. Therefore, AEJ is an important initiative as the members of this body will safeguard and protect our environment. Evidently, this AGM is equally important and worthy supporting it. This is the reason why I have come so that I give a gesture of Government support,” he said.

In his words, AEJ’s President, Emmanuel Muwamba, concurred with Muluzi when he said that the financial support rendered by the various environmental and development partners cannot be taken for granted.

“Honourable Minister, proper management of our environment has direct benefit to society in socio-economic development. This is why, the Association of Environmental Journalists, an organization, which principally aims at safeguarding the environment through increased reportage, advocates for the protection and sustainable management of natural environment, “said Muwamba.

He said that the Association’s members analyze environmental issues; raise awareness to the public, and at the same time seeks the attention of policy makers.

Muwamba also pointed out that the AGM was an opportunity to highlight the importance of managing the nation’s natural resources, pollution and waste, among the many other challenges that are plaguing the environment.

The absence of policies specifically to do with disaster risk management, national climate change and national agriculture is a set back to the environmental drive.

In his speech, the National Programs Coordinator of CADECOM, Martin Mazinga told the assembly that CADECOM, is committed to addressing issues to do with environment, hence the support towards the association’s annual general meeting.

“CADECOM strategies that are in line with the environmental care. Among them, we have projects that address issues concerning water, sanitation and hygiene. We are also involved in disaster risk reduction and emergency response, thereby promoting environmental rehabilitation,” said Mazinga.
Grace Khombe & Atupere
CADECOM supported the AEJ with K360, 000 and presented the award of Agriculture and Food Security, which went to Zodiak Broadcasting Station’s Grace Khombe.

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