Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM Secretary General Announces New Appointments, Confirmations

ECM Secretary General Announces New Appointments, Confirmations

Carsterns MulumeThe Secretary General for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Fr. Henry Saindi has announced the appointment of Mr. Carsterns Mulume, the National Secretary for Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) as the Director of Social Development which falls under the new strategic framework that ECM is undertaking.

Other announcements made include the confirmation of Mrs Bertha Magomero who has been acting as National Health Secretary,now National Health Secretary and accounts officer, Anthony Chekani, renewal of contracts for Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo as Pastoral Director and Deputy Secretary General respectively, Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace Elita Yobe, Education Commission’s Steve Ndlovu and Communications Commission’s Prince Henderson.

”As part of the process of integration of Communications, the Strategic Framework proposes the position of Director of Social Development. In this case, we shall only have three Directorates: Pastoral headed by the National Pastoral Director, Administration, Finance and Investment headed by the DOFIA and Social Development headed by the Director of Social Development,” said Fr. Saindi when he announced the development on Friday during morning assembly at Catholic Secretariat’s board room.

He said following this development, Commissions like CADECOM/Caritas, CCJP, Health, Education and Social Communications will now be under the Social Development directorate.

“I take this occasion to thank him (Mr. Mulume) for his acceptance of the offer of appointment as well as congratulate him for his new position. I ask all the commissions under his directorate to rally behind him and support the integration plan he will soon present as a proposal,” he said.

Fr. Saindi assured Mr. Mulume of his support and prayer as he take up the new challenge.

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