Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM participates in the 10th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation

ECM participates in the 10th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation

The Episcopal Conference is participating in the 10th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF). The Assembly is taking place in the city of Mar del Plata in Argentina, under the theme: “Proclaiming the Word: Gift of Life for the Fragile World” (cf. Romans 8:22–23). The ECM is represented by Rev. Fr. Joseph Sikwese, National Pastoral Coordinator, and Rev. Fr. Henry Zulu, Bible Coordinator of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.
In his opening remarks, the President of the CBF, Luis Antonio Gokim Cardinal Tagle, said that the world is fragile, but its life can be restored by the Word of God. He also emphasized that proclaiming the Word also demands listening: “For the proclamation of the Word to be relevant, we have to listen to the groanings of the world.”
Various papers will be presented and discussed, reflecting on the theme of the plenary. A total of about 350 delegates from all 7 regions of the CBF are attending the plenary assembly in Argentina; this includes bishops, priests, religious, and the laity involved in Bible apostolate. The plenary assembly will be held from 15 April to 21 April.
Founded in 1969, the CBF’s mission is to carry out the recommendations of the Vatican Council II concerning the Bible. It is at the service of the bishops in the fulfillment of their responsibility to proclaim the Word of God to all the faithful.

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