Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM meets in Lilongwe

ECM meets in Lilongwe

Bishops with the Laity CouncilMalawi Catholic Bishops who forms the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) have been meeting from 22nd to 26th June, 2015 at Catholic Secretariat in the Capital City Lilongwe as part of their second annual plenary meeting.

In a press statement released on Tuesday, June 22, 2015, ECM Secretary General, Reverend Fr. Dr. Henry Saindi said the meeting which has attracted all Catholic Bishops in Malawi and the Nuncio for Malawi and Zambia among other things; discussed the constitution for the Catholic Laity Council, received and discuss the progress report on the preparations for the Kachebere Major Seminary Platinum Jubilee and discussed the responses to the Synod of Bishops on the Family.

“The Bishops also discussed the reports on various Ecumenical Projects and Institutions involving the Catholic Church, received and discussed update reports from the various Commissions, departments and institutions of the Catholic Church in Malawi,” reads part of the statement signed by Fr. Dr. Saindi.

Among the Commissions that presented before the Bishops included the Catholic Commissions for Justice and Peace (CCJP), Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Catholic Education Commission (CEC), Pastoral Commission, Health Commission and Social Communications Commission.

On departments and institutional reports, the Catholic Laity Council and Catholic University of Malawi also presented their reports before the bishops.

ECM plenary meetings are held twice in every year, thus in January and December.

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