Episcopal Conference of Malawi




The Episcopal Conference of Malawi has today launched a translated version of the Holy Father’s encyclical Laudato Si’ which has been translated into two local languages, Chichewa and Tumbuka to enhance understanding of the document by Catholics and people of good will for its effective implementation in the country.

Mass for the Launch took place at Maula Cathedral in Lilongwe and the Main celebrant was Right Rev Montfort Stima , ECM’s vice President and Bishop for the diocese of Mangochi.

Speaking during the launch, Bishop Stima said Laudato Si’ is a gift from Pope Francis for humanity to realise and understand the Love of God and show appreciation and obedience to God through taking care of the environment.

“The Church has a role in shaping people’s conscience on the need for sustainable use of the environment and Care for our common home, the earth. This launch is an important milestone to the Church is Malawi. The ECM in collaboration with its partners such as Trocaire, Jesuit Centre for Ecology and Development and various Caritas partners, have carried out several interventions in response to the call for action to address the environmental crisis that the world is going through. The importance of this encyclical can therefore not be overemphasised”. Said Bishop Stima

The Right Rev therefore, asked all people to do their part in taking care for the environment to mitigate impacts of climate change in the country and the world. He further asked policy makers in the country to create an enabling environment for implementation of Laudato Si’ by putting in place policies that support and foster environmental Care.

The event brought together various key partners that are implementing Laudato Si’ programs including those who find inspiration from the encyclical and was graced by various Bishops from the ECM and Bishop Paul Dempsey of Achonry diocese and Bishop Fintan Gavin of Cork and Ross diocese from Ireland who are in the country to understand climate issues the country is facing.

The launch of the simplified Laudato Si’ document by the ECM is in-line with Laudate Deum, the recently published Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Francis which states that the climate crisis is real and that “the world in which we live is collapsing and may be near breaking point”. The Pope therefore makes an urgent plea to all people of good will to take action to address the climate crisis, recognizing that time is running out.

Through the translated Laudato Si’ document, the ECM would like to make sure that the message and the call to care for creation is shared with all people in a language they can read and understand.

The event also provided a platform for sharing and reflecting on what the partners have been doing and discussions on collaboration for promoting Laudato Si’ in Malawi and Ireland.

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