Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM Launches “The Dawn” online magazine

ECM Launches “The Dawn” online magazine

The-Dawn-Magazine-3On 29th July, 2012, the Catholic Church in Malawi celebrated the 46th World Communications Day in style as it launched an online magazine called The Dawn which is linked to the ECM website www.ecmmw.org.

The long-awaited communications day celebration was marked at St. Louis Centre, Nankhwali Parish – Monkey Bay in Mangochi Diocese.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Bishop Alessandro Pagani of Mangochi Diocese.

The launch of the magazine brought excitement to the Catholic faithful including bishops, priests and the Religious. Right Rev. Alessandro Pagani,could not hide his joy:

“The launch of the online magazine The Dawn and the revamping of the ECM Website is a quantum leap in the Malawi Church’s communication endeavours. This is a combined effort, coordinated by the National Office, Bravo!

“Every Launch is a significant moment of grace…, while thanking God for all the blessings showered upon the Catholic Communicators, we pray that He may continue to bless and guide every single person in this commission. ‘Inter Mirifica is the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on the Media of Social Communications’… On this day, the Church celebrates the achievements of the communications media. It is a day dedicated to prayer for the work of communications professionals across the world. May the good Lord who communicates to the world through the ‘Word made flesh’ help the Church here in Malawi in every possible way to be a more communicating one in the spreading of Gods’ kingdom values,” said Bishop Pagani in his speech launching the online magazine.

Bishop Pagani commended the team behind the magazine and all members in the communication commission for their dedication and urged them to work in collaboration as they continue with their role of evangelisation.

“With this in mind, it is now my sincere privilege to launch the ECM online magazine (The Dawn) and revamped website, the window through which we shall interact with the Catholic Church in Malawi through the Secretariat,” he said.

There was clapping and ululation soon after the launch and Social Communications Secretary thanked the bishops for launching the online magazine and the revamped website.

“On behalf of the Social Communications Commission and the Association of Catholic Journalists, I would like to thank you (Bishop Pagani) for accepting our short notice to launch the online magazine and the revamped website. We pledge to remain united and to show a difference, a difference informed by Core Values deeply rooted in the gospel, the Social Doctrine of the Church and guided by the Holy Spirit,” said the Social Communications Secretary Sr. Helen Kasaka.
The bishops under the chairmanship of Bishop Joseph Zuza approved the launch of the online magazine during their May 2012 plenary meeting in Lilongwe.

Internationally, this year’s 46th World Day of Communications was observed on 20th May, 2012. Here in Malawi the celebration takes place the last Sunday of July every year.


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