Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM Launches K 1 Billion National Flood Response

ECM Launches K 1 Billion National Flood Response

Bishops take a group photo with selected flood vbeneficiaries,government officials and traditional leadersThe Catholic Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) on Tuesday (10th March) launched a national wide flood response worthy 1 Billion Malawi Kwacha at a function held at January Parish, in the areas of Sub Traditional Chimaliro and Traditional Authority Ngolongoliwa in Thyolo district.

Launching the response were some Catholic Bishops in Malawi’s eight dioceses who included His Grace, Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa, Chairman of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi and Archbishop of Blantyre Archdiocese, Their Lordships Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of Karonga diocese, Bishop Peter Musikuwa of Chikwawa diocese and Bishop Montfort Sitima of Mangochi diocese Zomba, Mzuzu, Zomba and Lilongwe dioceses were also represented by their diocesan administrators and vicar generals.

Speaking at the function, His Grace Archbishop Msusa the Catholic Church in Malawi and worldwide has been alarmed and grieved that thousands of people have been displaced and rendered homeless, houses and crops destroyed and many more injured.
All the Bishops seated

Bishops being briefed by a Traditional Leader

“In response to the flood disaster, the Bishop’s Conference in Malawi set aside the 8th February, 2015 as a special Sunday for the collections of relief items to support thousands of our brothers and sisters affected by the floods. Further to this, we dedicated all the collections for the AMECEA thanksgiving Mass on 31st January 2015 towards the support of the flood victims,” said Bishop Msusa.
Archbishop Msusa said the Malawi Conference is please with the generosity shown by the faithful in Malawi for contributing about 240 metric tones of assorted items that includes clothes, shoes, blankets, maize, beddings and non perishable snacks like Kamba puffs, kitchen utensils, and beans among others.

“We commend the oneness and unity in joy and tribulation, which the Catholic Church in Malawi has shown, and we continue to ask well-wishers to keep contributing towards this noble cause. The demand for relief items in the affected 15 districts is still huge,” he said.

Taking his turn, acting Secretary General for ECM, Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo thanked also the Universal Church for hearing the appeal for assistance towards the flood disaster.
He said, “Our brothers and sisters across the world, through the Caritas Internationalis mobilized resources for the flood response in Malawi”.

Fr. Chimombo also challenged Catholic faithful in leadership positions to live to their Christian values by advocating for pro-poor and resilient building policies so that events like the disasters do not always catch Malawians off guard.

Both Traditional Authority Ngolongoliwa and a Gift Mafuleka from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) commended the Catholic Church in Malawi for responding to the call by Professor Peter Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi to support the flood affected households.
Bishop Msusa & Mtumbuka handing over a bag of maize to a flood victim

Bishop Msusa & Mtumbuka presenting a symbolic donation

Bishop Msusa in a Camp with a Victim

Bishop Sitima & Mtumbuka

President Mutharika declared a state of national disaster to 15 districts in Malawi which includes Nsanje, Chikwawa, Phalombe, Thyolo, Mangochi and Ntcheu among others.

Adding her voice in thanking the Catholic Church, Emma Kaleso who lost her husband when a house felt at him said she was grateful to the Bishops who even took their time off to visit them in their evacuation camps and the support rendered to them.

Before the official launch, all the Bishops paid a solidarity visit to Goliati Mitabali evacuation camps where at least fourteen households are being accommodated.
Over 106 people have been reported dead and hundred others still missing with no hope of being found alive.

The Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) which is the relief and development arm of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi is coordinating distribution of relief items in all the dioceses.

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