Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM employees challenged to serve people with humility

ECM employees challenged to serve people with humility

By Prince Henderson

ECM EmployeesMembers of the Catholic Secretariat’s Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) have been challenged to put in place programs that will go a long way in transforming the welfare of Malawians by among others responding to their needs with humility.

The Deputy Secretary General for ECM, Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo was speaking when he opened a two day review and planning meeting for project officers, programs coordinators and commission national secretaries for Catholic Secretariat’s Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM),Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP),Catholic Health Commission, Catholic Education Commission, Catholic Communications Commission and Pastoral Commission.

“As we gather for this workshop, we must realize that the purpose is to bring us all, together as members of one family so as to push things at ECM forward as members of various commissions,” said Fr. Chimombo.

He said the workshop provides a platform for the commissions to start 2016 activities with a common vision hence start the year at the same pace and move together for the benefit of the Church and the nation at large.

“Our programs and plans should be development oriented. We must critically look at where we were, where we are and where we are going so that we achieve the vision and mission of the Catholic Secretariat,” he said.

According to Fr. Chimombo, each member of staff at Catholic Secretariat should strive to carry out activities aimed at transforming the lives of people and the Church as a whole.

The Director of Social Development for ECM, Carsterns Mulume said during the workshop, participants were challenged to look at what successes have they registered as a commission in 2015 and what plans have been put in place for the year 2016.

He said through proper planning, it’s when the Secretariat can simply achieve the vision and mission hence address the challenges experienced in the previous year and at the same time have proper resource mobilization measures in 2016.

Among other successes registered last year, national education secretary, Brother Pascal Mtuwana, said the commission has managed to finalize the Catholic Education Policy and the Bishops approved it.

Acting national secretary for CCJP, Martin Chiphwanya said in 2015,the commission managed to engage with parliamentarians on 2015/2016 national budget, raised awareness on governance issues in mining sector and had lobbying sessions through the gender desk on ant-human trafficking and marriage bills.

“We also intensified our engagement with fellow Civil Society Organisations, Faith Based Organisations and the government so as to enhance collaboration,” he said.

Other commissions that presented their reports for 2015 successes and challenges; and 2016 plans included the Catholic Communications Commission, Health Commission, CADECOM and Pastoral.

ECM’s core values include; The Dignity of the Human Person and Sanctity of Life, Common Good, Solidarity , Subsidiarity, Liberation and Preferential Option for the Poor, Integrity of creation or Stewardship, Love and Justice, Justice as a Constitutive Dimension of Evangelisation , Peace and Moral integrity and accountability.

One thought on “ECM employees challenged to serve people with humility

  1. Congratulations for capturing the message so well. Its the best way of starting the year 2016. Keep it up.

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