Episcopal Conference of Malawi


“Do Not Be Afraid to Respond to God’s Call” – Catholic Youth Challenged

“Do Not Be Afraid to Respond to God’s Call” – Catholic Youth Challenged


The Vicar General of Karonga Diocese, Very Reverend Dennis Chitete, has challenged the youth to rely on prayer whenever they are considering serving God through priesthood, family life or becoming a religious brother or sister. He said this during a national mass celebration for Vocation Sunday at St. Steven’s Kasantha Parish in Kapolo, Karonga diocese.

“Prayer is the only weapon for your achievement in realizing whatever dream you think of. This applies to the vocation you want to follow, be it priesthood, religious man or woman and family life. Through praying to God, you will find a good partner in marriage life for example,’ said Monsignor Chitete.

Very Reverend Chitete said that the youth in Malawi must be encouraged to consider joining different vocations especially the priesthood and religious life, which are seeing decrease in number of people joining them.

He said the Catholic Church is fast growing in terms of its membership but servants of God like priests and nuns continue to be defeated by the growing population hence parents and guardians should strive to encourage their children to join these vocations.

“I urge you to pray for the existing priests, religious men and women so that they may live to their vocation and love it. Without priests, for example, it means there are no Sacraments,” he said.

IMG_4508On his part, National Director for Pontifical Missionary Society (PMS), Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa said that the vocation Sunday, which is the world Day of Prayers for vocations, is an important day in the Catholic Church worldwide, the day that Pope Francis is also encouraging the youth to consider joining various vocations.

In his message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations this year, Pope Francis challenged the youths in the Catholic Church not to fear when they hear a calling from God, for He is there to protect them all.

“Pope Francis is always encouraging you to respond to these vocations. Do not fear for He is there to guide and protect you. Pray the Holy Rosary everyday and Mother Mary is going to help you discern a vocation of your choice,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

In a message for the day, Bishop Chairman of Pastoral Commission and Pontifical Missionary Societies, His Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa of Chikwawa Diocese said the Pope, through the society of St. Peter the Apostle, reminds all the Catholic faithful about their Christian responsibility in cooperating with Christ in missionary work.

Bishop Musikuwa said that every Christian has a duty to cooperate with Jesus Christ by offering prayer, which will help in the whole work of evangelization.
“Every Christian must discern his vocation and offer his or her life for the mission,” he said.

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