Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Chikwawa Diocese to celebrate 50 years with hope for better future

Chikwawa Diocese to celebrate 50 years with hope for better future

Bishop MusikuwaHis Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa of Chikwawa Diocese has announced that the diocese will on August 29, 2015 celebrate its golden jubilee and has since called on various individuals, companies, government and other well wishers to offer their support to the church.

The Bishop says among others, the diocese plans to intensify self reliance among communities through evangelization, promoting education, construction of a technical college, youth centre and establishment of the diocese’s radio station.

He said they also intend to promote agriculture and disaster risk management projects, interfaith dialogue and early childhood development program.

“Formation of diocesan committee and celebrations of Holly Mass which the first missionaries set has already been done. We therefore would like to appeal for any help whether in kind or cash so as to make the celebrations colourful. We also wish to let the public know that there is a cloth for the occasion which shall be sold not only to Christians but also to everyone who would be interested to buy it,” he said.

According to Bishop Musikuwa, the diocese is facing a number of challenges to meet the demands of the growing numbers of Christians in the diocese.

He among others said shortage of priests, sisters and catechists to serve the growing numbers of Christians in the diocese as some of the challenges the diocese is facing adding that there is also lack of adequate and reliable transport and funds to pay fees for seminarians in the major seminaries as well as the upkeep for priests.

“We have a budget of over 7 million kwacha for us to successfully conduct these celebrations hence ask for support from well wishers. Those willing to assist can deposit their money Acc No: 809055, National bank Current Account with account name, ‘Chikwawa Diocese,” he said.

On another note, Bishop Musikuwa took time off to challenged government and development partners to urgently make full utilization of Shire River which falls in his diocese so as to reduce the looming hunger and improve water supply to people of Chikwawa and Nsanje districts.

The Episcope said it was sad to note that lack of expertise and financial resources to promote extensive irrigation farming have exposed people to face acute food shortage and portable water.

The bishop went on to indicate that the church will continue strengthening collaboration with government in the area of social development.

The diocese therefore highlighted a number of initiatives to support people in the lower shire in promoting their wellbeing and intensify a spirit of self-reliance among people. It is therefore intending to construct a technical college and a youth centre, promote agriculture and disaster risk management, build a new cathedral, promote early childhood development and inter faith dialogue among others.

“For all these projects to happen there is need to have money and expertise and that is why I call on Christians and other well wishers including government to support the golden jubilee’s preparations and future lined up projects,” he indicated.

He said the 50 years celebrations in August has been budgeted to a tune of K 2.9 Million and that any contributions made towards the activities or any other should be made to the account details; Chikwawa Diocese, Account number 809055, Victoria Avenue Service Centre, Current Account-Corporate, National Bank of Malawi.

Chikwawa diocese has 12 parishes with only 26 priests serving over 1.2 million Christians and the celebrations this year, will be based on the theme “Evangelization, True Conversion and being rooted in the gospel of Christ.”

One thought on “Chikwawa Diocese to celebrate 50 years with hope for better future

  1. I would also want to comment on the Bishop’s statement of encouraging the Government to make use of Shire River.Yes,the Government is silent on this,yet we are experiencing hunger this year.I also want to pill the government to look into the issue of irrigation seriously.I am of the view that the Government could put much resources in farming especially in irrigation.If this shall not be done then the people will be living a life of begging everyday.

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