Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholics Asked To Embrace The Spirit Of Sharing

Catholics Asked To Embrace The Spirit Of Sharing

Fr. MwakhwawaThe National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies in Malawi (PMS), an arm of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa has expressed the need for Catholic Christians in Malawi to embrace the spirit sharing with the needy.

Fr. Mwankhwawa was speaking at Saint Montfort, Catholic Institute (CI) in the Archdiocese of Blantyre when he presided over the Mission Sunday Mass Celebration.

During his homily, Fr. Mwakhwawa, said there are a lot of needy people elsewhere who need material and spiritual support from Catholic faithful including those from Malawi. The Catholic Church in Malawi has grown because of other Catholics in other countries who for the past 100 years have been sharing their spiritual and material gifts to us. Malawi Catholics have many spiritual and material gifts. Therefore, it is important for the present and future generation of Catholics in Malawi to embrace a missionary spirit and cooperation by offering sacrifices of prayer and money to the whole world for the salvation of many people.

“You know there are people out there who have not known Christ; there are people out there who are suffering because of wars, poverty, diseases and other natural calamities. Even within our country, there many who are suffering and struggling with life. All these need our love. We have to be in solidarity with them; we have to pray for them and support them with the little we have.” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

He asked faithful in the country to contribute money generously for the urgent missionary work of the Church in the world as another way of advancing the evangelization work.
In the Mission Sunday Message of 2014 the Holy Father, Pope Francis says: “‘God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Cor 9:7). World Mission Day is also an occasion to rekindle the desire and the moral obligation to take joyful part in the mission ad gentes. A monetary contribution on the part of individuals is the sign of a self-offering, first to the Lord and then to others; in this way material offerings can become means for the evangelization of humanity built on love.”

All the collection for the day are sent to the Holy Father in Vatican, Rome where the Pope disburse them to needy countries and mission territories, through the Pontifical Societies for the Propagation of Faith.

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