Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Universities Urged to Explore Possible Ways for New Evangelization

Catholic Universities Urged to Explore Possible Ways for New Evangelization

IMG_3481Catholic Universities in the AMECEA Region have been challenged to be champions in searching of the truth, so that the factors which hinder Evangelization be explored and solutions proposed.

Presenting his Paper on the “Role of Chaplaincies and Institutions of Higher Learning in Enhancing New Evangelization,” on 21 July, 2014, to the delegates of the 18th AMECEA Plenary, Rt Rev Martin Mtumbuka underlined the importance and urgency of Catholic Universities to live up not only their academic mandate but also fulfil their pastoral mandate by re-enkindling the faith in the youth.

“The role of chaplaincies and Catholic Universities is to fulfil the Pastoral mandate by mentoring the Faith of students who have not known Jesus better,” he said adding that “Catholic Universities are also living cells of the Church and as such they must spearhead new growth and research.”

He stressed the role of chaplaincies in Universities of accompanying students who are following various programs to relate their studies or research towards new evangelization and the role of the church in community.

“With a target group of Catholic students, Catholic members of staff as well as non-Catholic people, Catholic Universities have areas of interest such as formation through Catechesis, Sacramental celebration, witness of faith through charity and academic education,” he said.

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