Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Secretariat Welcomes New Secretary General Tonight

Catholic Secretariat Welcomes New Secretary General Tonight

Fr-SaindiThe Catholic Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) will tonight 4th September, welcome the new Secretary General, Rev. Fr. Dr. Henry Saindi at an event to be held at Bishop Nervi’s garden within the secretariat’s campus.

A number of dignitaries including the donor partners, government officials and the media have been invited and Archbishop Tarcisius Ziyaye of Lilongwe Archdiocese and also Bishop Chairman for Catholic Secretariat will be the guest of honor and will give a key note address.

According to the Deputy Secretary General, Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo, Catholic Secretariat values the cordial relationship that exists between different organizations and partners hence an invitation extended to them to this dinner.

Other activities lined up include speeches by the deputy secretary general, the new secretary general and presentation of gifts.

Chairman for the organizing committee, Carstens Mulume said during the event, the Catholic Secretariat will bid farewell to the members of staff who have left in the recent time.

Mulume said meanwhile, all is set and everybody is geared for the event.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Saindi was appointed by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi was appointed Secretary General on June 17, 2015 replacing Fr. George Buleya who is now the Vice Chancellor for Catholic University in Malawi.

42 year old Mangochi diocese priest, who was ordained in 2000 and was Director of Radio Maria Malawi between 2001 and 2009.He then went to study a Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy from 2009 to 2011.

He further pursued a Masters Degree in Social Sciences with specialization in Social Communications. He has just finished his Doctorate in Social Communications.

Fr. Saindi, born on May 4, 1973 hails from Chabwera Village in the area of Traditional Authority Liwonde in Namandanje Parish,Machinga district

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