Episcopal Conference of Malawi


CADECOM pushes for disaster policy

CADECOM pushes for disaster policy

…as over 5,000 people are to benefit from food distribution program in Mchinji

Carsterns Profile Picture (2)
CADECOM National Secretary Carsterns Mulume

As a result of the prolonged dry spells and floods that hit the country during the 2012/2013 growing season and resulted to poor harvests in many districts of the country, the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) has embarked on a 5 months Relief Food Assistance Program, targeting the vulnerable population affected by the natural disaster in Mchinji district.

The National Secretary for CADECOM, Carsterns Mulume said the project is in line with the findings by the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) which shows that Mchinji is one of the 21 food insecure districts largely due to the prolonged dry spells and floods that occurred during the last growing season.

“The Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) National Food Security Forecast of April 2013 to March, 2014 indicates that a total of 5,833 people in Traditional Authority Dambe (1.2 %) will miss their food entitlements during the lean periods of 2013/2014 and the same will require food assistance hence targeting of the same by CADECOM under this project,” ,said Mulume.

According to Mulume, due to the low crop harvests and coupled with an increase in cost of food items such as maize prices which ranges from MK60 to MK150 per kilogram, the MVAC stipulates that a total of 1,461,940 people in the 21 districts which includes Mchinji district will be food insecure hence require 57,346 Metric tones of maize equivalent.

He said the Food security assessment that CADECOM conducted through focus group discussions in the district, a number of effects have occurred resulting from the food insecurity such as the reduction in number of meals taken per day. The reduction in number of meals taken and quantity per day  has the potential to compromise food intake; the affected households may  not be able to meet the 2100 kcals per person and per day as recommended by the Sphere Project for the normal persons and 2400 kcals per person and per day as recommended by the World Health Organization for the immune compromised person.

“With the proposed targeted relief Food assistance to the vulnerable population affected, it is anticipated that lives of the food insecure population will be saved. In addition, their livelihoods will be protected,” said Mulume.

He added, “Their nutrition and food security situation will improve through consumption of received food items as the consumption of the received or purchased food items will contribute towards the meeting of the food requirement”

However, despite the intervention by government and the donor community in addressing the hunger situation in the country through the distribution of relief food assistance, the CADECOM National Secretary challenged government and other stake holders to quickly put in place the Disaster Policy which is currently at Cabinet level.

He said the Policy Document will enable a clear focus on preparedness to disasters than supporting them alone.

“The money that could be used in other development activities in our country is being spent reactive response to disasters. Am not saying that’s wrong but it’s high time the country had its Policy document for people to know where to go and what to do before, during and after disasters,” said Mulume.

According to Mulume ,just last year alone, CADECOM spent over 800,000 Euros by supporting the vulnerable population which was affected by then  dry spells and floods a development he said could be avoided if the Policy document which could provide mitigating, preparedness and capacity building to the local communities affected by the drought.

CADECOM, intends not only to distribute the food relief but of course to promote seed planting, provide capacity building in risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation, strengthening capacity of the targeted population to mainstream disaster risk reduction in their development efforts so as to contribute towards building their resilience.

He said the targeted population will develop community oriented action plans to prevent and prepare for different hazards and disasters associated to be caused by floods and droughts among others.

Meanwhile, Traditional Authority Dambe of Mchinji says the issue of hunger in his area due to the dry spells is so pathetic and with the coming it of CADECOM, at least the challenge will be addressed.

“As a Traditional Leader, I had nowhere to ask for assistance but thanks to government through CADECOM who are now coming to relief us. My only advice to my subjects is that they should not sell whatever this organization is going to provide us. If one tries to sell the maize or whatever item CADECOM is bringing us then the by-law that were set during our meetings will apply,” said Traditional Authority Dambe through a phone interview.

A review of the past five Vulnerability and Food Security assessment reports by MVAC shows that Mchinji district for the past years has not been affected by natural disasters such as droughts and floods and has not been affected district as far as food insecurity and vulnerability is concerned.

CADECOM is the relief and developmental arm of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, an assembly of eight Catholic Bishops in Malawi.

The Commission is currently implementing the effective response to emergencies and preparedness as well as mitigating the impact of climate change which falls under its 2008-2013 Strategic Plans.

The organization will implement the 5 months project in Mchinji with funding from the World Food Program (WFP) and its expected to distribute relief items like 50Kg Maize, 10 kg packet of Beans and Soya respectively, Seed (Potato & Cassava) and 5 liters of Cooking Oil per household.

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